Booking Availability/Spots – Overview
Your Booking Availability/Spots allow your customers to make appointments without you having to check your schedule first. Your schedule is made up of Booking Spots, which represent the times during the day that you’re available for service. When a customer books an appointment, Launch 27 will automatically refresh your booking availability to update your spots based on what’s available and what is taken.
How to Manage your Booking Availability
Select the Booking Availability calendar icon located to the left of your page, to view your Spot Settings.
On your Booking Spots page, you will see three tabs: Daily Settings, Holidays, and Maximum Settings.
Maximum Settings
Display Mode – This is where you choose the type of availability you want to display to your customers.
1. Specific Times – Giving your customers the expectation that your staff will be arriving at that time. They are the start times of when the service will take place. For example: 8:30am, 10:30am.
2. Arrival Windows – Giving your customers the expectation that your staff will be arriving within this time period. The service will begin when your staff arrives within this time. The benefit of using arrival window spots is allowing a reasonable time for your teams to show up to a job: less complaints, less scheduling headaches, and less teams rushing to the next job. For example: 8:30am – 10:30am, 11:30am – 1:30pm
3. Combination of Specific Times and Arrival Windows
Availability-Max Settings Tab – This is where you decide which days you will be open for business and what time slots are available each day. This is your default availability that your customers will be able to select from.
Daily Settings
– These icons are used to remove or add availability for that time slot. For example, in case you’re short/over on Teams for that day you will come to this page to make day by day adjustments.
To prevent customers from booking a specific time slot (regardless if there are rescheduled bookings or cancellations that cause spots to open), then click on the green un-lock icon so that it becomes a red lock icon.
On your Booking Form
How you set up your booking availability/booking spots will determine when your customers can book services via your booking form. These are going to be either specific times or time frames that you are expecting to complete your services.
When your customers visit your booking form, the booking spots will appear when selecting their Date and Time of the requested service.
From the staff view, you have two different ways of selecting the Date and Time of the service.
Your staff will have the option to book from your Schedule or to Manually choose a date and time.
From Schedule – Will reflect your business’ booking availability/spots. Any spot that is chosen, will count against your availability. Meaning, if you have 2 spots open for 8:30am and you choose the 8:30am spot, you now have 1 spot available.
Manually – Will not show your business’ booking availability/spots and this booking will not count towards your spots unless you choose a time identical to your spot settings. Meaning, if you have 2 spots open for 8:30am and you choose 8:00am you will still have 2 spots open for 8:30am.