Cancel a Recurring Booking – Overview
When a Staff user tries to cancel a booking in a recurring series, the system will ask if it should cancel:
o This Booking only (i.e. the booking being edited)
o This Booking + All Future Bookings
o Specific Bookings you choose
This gives Staff the flexibility to cancel only certain bookings vs all bookings in the series. Here’s a few examples of when this would be useful.
How to Cancel a Recurring Booking
Staff users may cancel a recurring booking by:
1. Find the booking on the Active Bookings and click it to edit it
2. On the Edit Booking form, click on the Cancel Booking button (or Cancel Booking with $ fee if this is a late cancellation)
3. A modal popup will appear and ask you to confirm you want to cancel this booking. Click Yes to continue
4. You will be asked if you want to cancel:
o This Booking Only
o This and All Future Bookings
o These Specific Bookings…
5. After you make your choice, click Cancel Bookings to apply your changes.