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Test/Demo Credit Card to Test the Booking Form
Test/Demo Credit Card to Test the Booking Form
Fabiana avatar
Written by Fabiana
Updated over a week ago

Test/Demo Credit Card to Test the Booking Form

If you’d like to use test/demo credit cards to test out the booking form you can do so by entering in your Stripe account’s test keys.

Step 1: Copy your Test Keys from your Stripe Account

1. Log in to your Stripe account

2. Click the API link in the left menu

3. Copy the values for Test Secret Key and Test Publishable Key

Step 2: Enter your Stripe Test Keys into Launch27

1. Login to Launch27

2. Go to Settings -> Stripe tab

3. Choose the Stripe API Keys option

4. Paste the Test Secret Key you copied from Stripe into the Live Secret Key field

5. Paste the Test Publishable Key you copied from Stripe into the Live Publishable Key field

6. Click Apply Changes

IMPORTANT: This will put your booking form into a TEST mode that will prevent you from accepting real credit cards. Please make sure to undo these changes by replacing the Live Secret Key and Live Publishable Key with the LIVE keys from your Stripe account.

Step 3: Use one of Stripe’s Test cards

You can find several kinds of test credit cards on Stripe’s site:

You can pick a card and enter in any expiration date and CVC code into the Booking Form:

o Card Number from Stripe: 4242424242424242

o Expiration Date (any future date): 12/2020

o CVC: 123

The charges will show up in your Stripe account’s Test environment:

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