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Scheduler Page

Everything you need to know about how to efficiently use the Scheduler.

Fabiana avatar
Written by Fabiana
Updated over a year ago


The scheduler page is a visual representation of your bookings. Using the various filters on this page, you may visually manage the bookings. You can perform various activities on the bookings on this page.

Booking filters

You can see the bookings based on the Booking type filters.

You can choose from:

  1. All bookings

  2. Unassigned bookings

  3. Recurring bookings

  4. New customer bookings

a. All bookings filter

You can see all the bookings (Assigned/Unassigned/Recurring/New customer bookings etc.) in a given date range using this filter.

b. Unassigned Bookings

As the name clarifies, this can be used to filter out all the Unassigned bookings within the selected date range.

c. Recurring Bookings

This can be used to filter out the recurring bookings within a selected date range.

d. New Customer bookings

It filters out the new customer bookings within a selected date range

e. Search Bookings field (can be combined with other filters)

Just enter a booking name/customer email address/phone number etc. and it filters out the bookings based on that keyword.

f. Location filter (can be combined with other filters)

Select a location from the dropdown to filter out the bookings based in that particular location.

View teams button

This can be used to expand/collapse the team info panel on the left side.

Refresh Button

If there is something that is missing on this page, you can just tap this button to refresh the page and then try again.

Send Schedule Button

Similar to the Send schedule option on the active bookings page. Just click it and follow the onscreen instructions to send the schedules to your teams via this page.

Display types

  1. List view

  2. Calendar view

Teams filter

Use this filter to view bookings based on the assigned teams. Just select a team check box to filter out the particular bookings that are assigned to that selected team.

Click the small dropdown arrow next to Teams label to get more filtering options.

a. All Teams

- This will filter out all the teams on the left panel (active/archived/deleted)

b. All active Teams

- This will filter out All active teams on the left panel.

c. Active Teams for location(s)

- This can filter out combined results. In order to show the active teams in a particular location, you can select this option and make sure you have selected a location or All locations will be the default.

Day/Month/Week filter

To see bookings day-by-day/This month/This week, you can use this filter. This can be combined with the scrollers so you can scroll through dates/months/Weeks.


These are the other display type filters that have some important functions that you can play around with to get the best user experience.

Calendar and Today filter


You can see the bookings on a particular date using the date filter.


This filters out today’s bookings at one go.

Bonus tip

You can easily use the scheduler page to assign team to bookings seamlessly.

Click here to read more.

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