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Creating an Order

Let's walk through each step of creating an order

Updated over a week ago

There are three types of orders you can create:

  • Quote (creating a quote will not book any items).

  • Provisional Order

  • Order

You can convert through these stages and revert at any time. Check out our guide for more information on what each order state means.

Get Started

To create a new order, navigate to Orders > Orders > Add Order.

Here, you will be able to select the type of order you wish to create: 

Quick Tip ⭐️ You can also create Orders from other screens within the application, such as within the accounts screen. Simply navigate to the desired account you would like to create an order from and select the plus symbol to open a new order screen. 

Now you have selected the type of order required you will be navigated to the following screen: 

You can now begin to fill in the details:

  • Account - This is your list of accounts. You can search by account name, account number, contact and address to find the relevant company.  To create a new account, click the Account link which will take you to a new screen, when you have filled in the account details and you click save you will be taken back to the order header where you can continue.

  • Billing Place - This automatically pulls through the default billing address from the account, if there are multiple locations associated to this account. Simply select the X and perform another search in the billing place name field to associate another address with the order.  

  • Delivery Place - This is your delivery address and can be one of the following options:       

First try searching for a place that already exists in the field with the magnifying glass:

Confirm this with the customer, if it's not found and you need to create a new address do the following:

Delivery Place: You can click the link here to create a new place (or site address) - when it's been filled in you are taken back to the rental order, you can then use that place again in the future.

Free Type: If you want to just free type an address for the order, don't select an auto-suggested place and go ahead and fill in the details below the field with the magnifying glass (which is used for stored places searching). Auto-suggested addresses will pop up because OnRent can search for the address from a global address lookup, but if you don't click the results you can carry on entering your own address.

Search for an Address: By searching in the field below the one with the magnifying glass you can use the auto-suggest global address search. Simply type the address here, tap a result and the rest will be filled in for you.

Quick Tip ⭐️ You can plan your driver's route or check the distance of the delivery location with the plan a route option above delivery place. This will open Google Maps and show the route between this address and your depot.

  • Order Date - This is the date of order creation 

  • Start Date - This is the delivery date of the order 

  • Charging Start Date - This is the default charging start date against the order items on the order

  • Expected Return Date - If you want to put in an expected return date, you can toggle this option on and enter one. This does not affect charging or availability. Enabling this shows the totals bar on the order which shows the expected revenue to the expected return date. You can add the "Charging End Date" in the order view to see this in your custom views.

  • Open Ended - This option can be always switched on or off by default based on a Company Setting. It affects the way the rental product availability is calculated in OnRent and is vital to understand the way you want your business to work with OnRent.

    Read more about the default settings here:

    When a new OnRent system is first setup, Open Ended is turned on by default, meaning the end date of the rental is not known. To make the equipment available again, the items must be booked in.

    If you turn Open Ended off, it means you know in advance that the items are definitely coming back on a set date. This means the items are available after that date without first booking them in.

    Once you have specified whether the order is Open Ended or not and items have been added to the order, it cannot be changed on that specific order.

    When Open Ended is turned off, two additional dates show:

  • Collection- This is the planned collection date of the order 

  • Charging End Date - This will have defaulted onto the order items when adding them to the order

Note: if the charging continues past the intended end date, it will continue to charge for the order items until they are marked as Off Rent. If the date is set, the item availability will assume that the items are going to be returned on the planned end date, so make sure you update the order end dates if the rental continues further than expected. You can use a dashboard pod to manage upcoming end dates and extend them. If you don't know the end date and leave the order as open ended, the items will be available once they have been booked back in and not before.

When turning Open Ended off, the Expected Return Date is hidden as its replaced by the Charging End Date.

Additional Information 

You can now begin to add in any further information if required, before moving on to add your equipment onto the order. 


  • Customer Reference - This is a reference your customer may provide such as a Purchase Order number 

  • Depot - This is a drop-down list of the user's available depots to specify which depot this order is for 

  • Ordered By - This is the name of the contact who is ordering the equipment or service

  • Contact Name - This could be the point of contact on a delivery 

  • Invoice Run Code - Run codes are used to group orders for an invoice run. You can select from a drop-down list of existing run codes or create a new one

  • Payment Term - Apply a payment term to set out the conditions under which a seller will complete a sale. This will appear on the order invoice

  • Collection Place - If the collection place is different to the delivery address you can assign an alternative collection place here

  • Project - If this order belongs to a project, or there are multiple orders for the same customer, you can assign or create a project to assign here

  • Owner - This is the salesperson or rental desk employee that is responsible for this order. It will automatically populate to your name however you can assign another user here


If you need to add further charges to your order such as cleaning charges, simply enable the surcharge groups required by toggling to Yes


You can add in any further information in the notes section on the order or comments for your colleagues to follow up on. 

When you have finished adding in all of the relevant information simply select Add Order and it will take you to the order overview. You can now begin to populate your order with equipment, book it out and print documentation. 

Check out our guide on how to add items to your order and how to book out equipment.

Want to find out more? Start a conversation using the blue help bubble in the bottom right-hand corner of your system.

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