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How to work with revisions in SqlDBM

SqlDBM Support avatar
Written by SqlDBM Support
Updated over a week ago


Revisions are a form of version control for projects in SqlDBM. Every time a project is saved, a revision is created in sequential order.

Revisions can be used to track a project's progress, compare and isolate changes, or revert to a previous version.

SqlDBM keeps unlimited revision history for every project, so you never have to worry about losing historic changes.

Create a Revision

Save a project using the "Save" icon on the top right of a project or use the Ctrl+S keyboard shortcut.

Compare Revisions

Compare the DDL differences between any two revisions by clicking on "Compare Revisions" from the left pane.

Select the two revisions that you would like to compare by clicking on them.

You will see all the database objects listed in the revisions you have selected. Changes are highlighted based on the following colors:

Red - deleted objects

Green - created objects

Yellow - modified objects

To review an object in detail, click on that object to see the differences in the DDL. The differences follow the highlighting described above.

Revert to Previous Revision

If you wish to abandon the current development branch and revert to a previous revision version, you can do so from the main menu of the SqlDBM screen or the project dashboard.

Navigate to Revisions from the main menu of the SqlDBM

Or click on the project sub-menu in the Dashboard and select "Manage revisions."

Open the historic revision that you would like to revert to by clicking on it.

Notice that you are viewing a historic revision because the latest revision number will be visible next to the revision number you have opened.

To revert, click the Save button to make this historic revision the latest.

Confirm your changes, and you are done.

Generate Alter Script

Use the Forward Engineering feature to generate an alter script with all the changes made between the current and any previous revisions.

Note that any unsaved changes will not be reflected until they are saved to a revision.

Click on "Forward Engineering" from the left pane.

Select the "Generate Alter SQL" option.

Choose any previous revision to generate the later script.

Verify the script and proceed,

Use the broom icon to return to the "Forward Engineering" screen and start again.

Use the copy icon to copy the script to the clipboard for export.

See also:

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