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Manage Revisions

How to manage Revisions in SqlDBM

Alice avatar
Written by Alice
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Revisions are a form of version control for projects in SqlDBM. Every time a project is saved, a revision is created in sequential order.

Users can use revisions to track a project's progress, compare and isolate changes, or revert to a previous version.

SqlDBM keeps unlimited revision history for every project, so you never have to worry about losing historical changes.

Bulk remove revisions

To eliminate unnecessary revisions from the project history, navigate to the Revisions screen from the main menu.

Select multiple revisions that you wish to remove by clicking on the check box to the left of the revision. When finished selecting, press the "Delete n revisions" button.

Compare Revisions

To use this feature, make sure you have made changes to your project and saved them, thereby creating multiple revisions for comparison.

Click on "Compare Revisions" in the left pane.

Select the two revisions that you would like to compare.

You will see all the database objects listed in the revisions you have selected. Changes are highlighted based on the following colors:

Red - deleted objects

Green - created objects

Yellow - modified objects

To review an object in detail, click on that object to see the differences in the DDL. The differences follow the highlighting described above.

Revision Flagging

This feature may not be available by default and might need to be enabled upon request. Please contact your account manager for more information.

Revision flags allow for quick tagging and identification of revisions based on user-assigned flags.

Using this feature, revisions can be flagged as incidences, bug-fixes, or through color codes that you can customize for your team.

Flags are purely informational and do not impact the project or underlying DDL in any way.

To learn more about Revision Flags, please see the detailed article below.

See also:

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