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How to use the Releases feature in SqlDBM

SqlDBM Support avatar
Written by SqlDBM Support
Updated over 2 months ago

Use the Releases feature to plan upcoming project releases by comparing the latest project revision against a live DB environment. Please see the related article below with complete details on the Compare Revisions feature.

This feature may not be supported for all license types. Please contact your account manager to find out more.

To use this feature, make sure you have previously defined your environments. See the link below for details on this topic.

Compare Releases

Click on the "Releases" button in the left pane to access the Releases screen.

You will see the latest revision as well as any Environments that you have defined on the left.

Upload latest DDL

Before proceeding with the comparison, make sure to upload the latest DDL if changes were made in the live environment you wish to compare.

If using a direct connection for your environments, click the "Upload Revision" button under the relevant Environment and repeat the steps used to connect to the Environment and schema. (See Environments article below).

Compare Release

To compare the latest revision to any live environment, select them from the list of environments on the left. The latest revision is selected by default, but you can select any previous revision by clicking the "Change Revision" button on the release.

You will see all the database objects listed between the release and the environment selected. Changes are highlighted based on the following colors:

Red - deleted objects

Green - created objects

Yellow - modified objects

To review an object in detail, click on that object to see the differences in the DDL. The differences follow the highlighting described above.

Compare live environments

You can also use the Releases screen to compare two live environments to each other instead of the latest release.

To do so, select the environments from the list of available environments and follow the steps described above to review the differences.

See also:

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