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Security - Audit logs

Review site access by user and date range for auditing and compliance

Alice avatar
Written by Alice
Updated over a week ago

Audit logs allow admins and alternate admins to review site access to determine account utilization or identify stale users.

This feature may not be available by default and might need to be enabled upon request. Please contact your account manager for more information.

Viewing audit logs

Audit logs are accessible by the SqlDBM account admin.

As an admin, head to the "Security" and click on "Audit logs."

By default, the last 30 days of logs are displayed on the screen.

Setting the date range

To select a different date range, use the date selector dropdown on the top of the screen.

Searching and sorting

Users can search by the various details displayed on the screen to narrow down their list of results. These include:

  • Username

  • User IP

  • Operating system

Any of the on-screen columns can be sorted in ascending or descending order. Click on the arrow icons to the right of the desired column name to sort in ascending order. Click again to sort descending.

For a more comprehensive set of search/filter/sort options, use the export to CSV feature and take advantage of the functionality provided by Excel.

Export to CSV

To export the data returned by the search conditions, click the "Export to CSV" button on the top right of the screen. You will find the same columns in the exported file as displayed on the audit logs screen.

See also:

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