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Tx Objects

Creating, validating, and running Tx Objects

Written by Serge Gershkovich
Updated over 2 months ago

What is a Tx Object?

Tx Objects represent a discrete step in the transformational pipeline, capturing business logic, structure, and references.

A Tx Object combines business logic and a customizable boilerplate template code to create the transformation from a Tx Template.

The business logic within a Tx Object includes the precise instructions and conditions tailored to the organization's needs, ensuring that data transformations align with business goals and compliance requirements. Meanwhile, the boilerplate template code provides a standardized foundation, streamlining the creation and maintenance of these objects by offering reusable, pre-defined, and customizable structures and patterns.

This combination enhances consistency and efficiency and reduces the likelihood of errors. The underlying template ensures that essential elements and best practices are consistently applied across different transformations.

Tx Objects require a source node (Tx Source or Tx Object) and a Tx Template, which together define the capabilities of the Tx Object. A Tx Object can have multiple source nodes.

Working with Tx Objects

How to create a Tx Object?

The Tx Object requires at least one previous node created in the project Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG).

This video showcases how to create a Tx Object.

Once a Tx Object has been created, it will appear in the left menu under the same Location as the node source.

It will also appear in the DAG as a direct connection with the previous source node(s).

Editing a Tx Object

There are three ways to access the edit screen of a Tx Object.

From the left-side menu:

  1. Select the contextual menu from the Tx Object on the left-side pane and select open.

  2. From the DAG select the contextual menu from the Tx Object and select "Edit".

  3. Double-click on the Tx Object.

Once the Tx Object is in edit mode, it opens in a new tab, and it will be represented in the following sections:

  1. Column grid.

  2. Logic.

  3. Properties Editor.

The Column Grid Section

The column grid shows the data structure (column names, keys, constraints, useQuotes, descriptions) of the Tx Object.

The column grid will be automatically generated from the source node/s and considering the options from Tx Template selected to create the Tx Object. All the proposed columns can be modified.

All columns will be inherited from the predecessor Tx source or Tx Object when the inheritAttributes property is set to true(default), plus all the systems columns generated in the template.

In the example below, a new column called __load_date has been generated.

Editing the columns in the Column grid

Column name, Data type, constraints, useQuotes, default values, descriptions, and position can be edited directly in the Column grid.

Primary and Alternate Keys of a Tx Object can be edited through the properties editor.

Some of those options are showcased in the next video.

The useQuotes property affects how the case sensitivity is treated in Tx Objects: it is a property present in the Tx Object name, that can be modified from the properties editor, and column names, which can be edited in the column grid.

When the useQuotes is set to true, the object name or column name will be wrapped in double quotes, allowing for lowercase sensitivity.

This property will be considered when generating

  • the Logic block for a Tx Object,

  • the compiled SQL from a Create statement

  • the compiled SQL from a Run statement.

Please see the related article Tx Templates in the See also section to understand how to create a new template or change the default.

The Logic section

In this section, a custom SQL can be created for any desired transformation purpose as long as the code is compatible with the destination database SQL requirements.

You can refer to any previous node using the ref option.

Using refs

The refs have 2 fundamental functions:

  1. They create the dependencies between objects in the DAG.

  2. They use a Jinja function to refer to a fully qualified name.

This is a key feature in a Tx project that allows the building of a dependency graph of the transformations, ensuring that Tx Objects are built and executed in the correct order and allowing code reuse.

The way to reference any previous Tx Object is by providing the Location name and the Tx Object name.

Refs are available in three flavors that include all or part of the linking and naming behavior:

  • ref - as described above, a standard ref serves two functions: to create a dependency between referenced and referencing object and to compile to the fully qualified name of the former.

  • ref_text - does not create a dependency on the DAG and only prints the fully qualified name of the referenced object.

  • ref_link: only creates a dependency but does not print the fully qualified name of the referenced object.

Validating SQL Logic

There is the possibility to validate the SQL statement created in the logic part:

  1. Press the arrow in the select data button.

  2. Select validate select.

A validation plan will appear showcasing if the SQL Logic is compatible with the destination database.

Refresh columns

The Column Grid and the Logic sections should be aligned as they are the foundation for the transformation logic for the Create and Run commands generated using Jinja in the corresponding Tx Template.

To check that both the Logic and the Column grid are aligned, use the option Refresh columns (1).

The system will detect if there is any difference between the Column Grid and the Logic sections.

In the example below, a popup will appear to confirm the alignment of both sections:

  1. The column __load_date is part of the Column grid.

  2. The column __load_date is not part of the Logic.

  3. A popup will appear to confirm if it's Ok to align both sections. The system will delete the columns from the Column Grid that don't exist in the Logic section.

In the future, we will allow to setup a model contract to avoid changes in the Column grid.

Tx Object properties

The Tx Object properties editor allows the configuration of an object's attributes that can be referenced in the Create and Run script and allows them to be set per Tx Objects while having a generic Tx Template that abstracts its business logic.

To learn more about the Tx Template's properties that can be set in a Tx Object, please see the related article, Tx Template Properties, at the bottom of this page.

Changing the Tx Template for a Tx Object

Once the Tx Object has been created, the Tx Template that it is linked to, from where the Create and Run scripts are used, is reflected in the Tx Object's properties editor.

The Tx Template can be modified by modifying the "Using template" dropdown field, which indicates the current template linked to the Tx Object.

To change the template:

  1. Open the dropdown to view all available templates, represented by their name and associated color (from YAML attributes).

  2. Choose the desired template.

  3. Confirm the change.

Important considerations when updating the Tx template:

  • Inheritance Properties:

    • Properties resolved during object creation remain unchanged to avoid object recreation.

  • Column Definitions:

    • Default and primary columns are not compared during template updates, as these are set only at object creation.

  • Item Comparison:

    • Additions: Items in the new template but absent in the object are added.

    • Updates: Matching items with differing properties update based on the template, while preserving non-empty defaults.

    • Deletions: Extra items in the object are removed, with defaults applied as needed.

  • Default handling:

    • If the new template introduces a default value, it is used if the existing field is blank. Otherwise, the pre-existing value remains.

The Create command

The Create command will execute the code based on the Jinja code of the Tx Template on the destination database, the code does not run locally on Tx.

Usually, this command will compile a create statement of the Tx Object executed against the database. This is executed at deploy time, setting up the data structure without loading data.

Validating and executing the Create script

In every Tx Object, the create command can be validated previously to create the object in the destination database.

  1. To run the Create command select the Create option.

  2. To validate the Create command, expand the create button and

  3. Select the validate create option.

To check the outcomes of the validation or creation process, refer to the Results screen as demonstrated in the following video.

On the Results screen a compiled SQL generated from the Tx Template of the Tx Object will be found.

The Run command

The Run command will execute the code based on the Jinja code of the Tx Template on the destination database, the code does not run locally on Tx.

Usually, the run command is a Jinja template that defines how data is loaded into the object. The compiled run template results in the execution of SQL statements, such as INSERT INTO, MERGE INTO, or other SQL commands, to perform the necessary data operations.

This is called on demand through a scheduler, allowing for flexible data loading based on defined schedules.

Validating and executing the Run script

In every Tx Object, the Run command can be validated previously to Run the object in the destination database.

  1. To execute the Run command, select the Run option.

  2. To validate the Run command, expand the Run button and

  3. Select the validate Run option.

To check the outcomes of the validation or creation process, refer to the Results screen as demonstrated in the following video.

On the Results screen a compiled SQL generated from the Tx Template of the Tx Object will be found.

Duplicating Tx Objects

There is the possibility to duplicate a Tx Object.

All the properties and references to other Tx Objects will be copied to the new object.

  1. Select the contextual menu from the desired Tx Object to copy from the DAG.

  2. Select the duplicate option.

The new Tx Object will appear in the DAG.

Deleting Tx Objects

Tx Objects can be completely removed from the Tx project. The references with other Tx Objects will disappear, but the referenced Tx Object will remain in the DAG and in the project.

To delete the Tx Object, follow the next steps:

  1. Select the contextual menu from the left-side pane or

  2. Select the contextual menu from the DAG.

  3. Select the Delete option.

A confirmation popup will appear to confirm the deletion.

See also:

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