What are Tx Sources?
Tx Sources are the first step in the transformational pipeline. Unlike Tx Objects—which can be created from a Tx Source or another Tx Object—Tx Sources are not modified or transformed by transformational workflows but only serve to provide data downstream.
Like all objects in a Tx project, a Tx Source must be assigned to a location (see the related article titled "Working with Tx Projects" at the end of this post for more on adding and using locations).
Working with Tx Sources
How to add a Tx Source
If there are no Tx Sources in the Project, click on the "Add a tx source" button located in the main panel.
Alternatively, there is the option to add Tx Sources from the dropdown menu of Locations:
Click on the contextual menu from Tx Sources.
Select the option "Create new" from the contextual menu.
Add Sources
There are 2 ways of adding sources:
From a Data Warehouse from the current user connection.
From project objects.
When adding Tx Sources, all the sources can be added from a Location, multiselect specific sources, search for specific sources and even preview the data as showcased in the next video.
All the sources added will appear:
Below the Locations menu on the left-side pane and
In the Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) ready for the next steps on the transformation pipeline.
Previewing Tx Sources
To check the structure of the Tx Source or to preview the data follow the next steps.
Select the contextual menu from the Tx Source in the left-side pane or
Select the contextual menu from the Tx Source from the DAG.
Click the "Open" option.
Alternatively, you can double-click on the Tx Source.
The Tx Source structure, which includes the data types, constraints, default values, and description, will open as a navigation tab next to the Main flow diagram.
You can preview the data by clicking the "Refresh" button. The first 100 records will appear on the Data Preview screen.
Navigate back to the "Main flow" by clicking in this tab.
To close the source tab, click on the "x" icon next to its name.
Using the Tx Source
Once added, the new source will be available in the Main Flow of the Tx project.
Use this Tx Source in combination with the Tx Templates to create new Tx Objects for the next steps in the transformation downstream.
To create a transformation:
Click on the contextual menu of the Tx Source.
Select the option Add Tx Object.
Select the desired Tx Template to create the new Tx Object.
Deleting Tx Sources
Tx Sources can be completely removed from the Tx Project. The references with other Tx Objects will disappear, but the referenced Tx Object will remain in the DAG and in the project.
To delete the Tx Source, follow the next steps:
Select the contextual menu from the left-side pane or
Select the contextual menu from the DAG.
Select the Delete option.
A confirmation popup will appear to confirm the deletion.