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Can I send money to my family or friends?
Can I send money to my family or friends?
Updated over a week ago

Great news! You will be able to make instant and free transfers between members of the app. Are you ready? Invite them to be part of the party!

​At the moment, you will be able to receive money from other Ugly Cash members residing in the United States. However, you will be able to send money to members in the United States and Latin America. We're still working to add new features to our app 🚀.

Once they’ve opened their account, you can transfer funds by following these instructions:

  1. From the Ugly main screen, go to the bottom menu and select the paper plane option.

  2. Select the amount you want to send and press the “Continue” button.

  3. Search among your contacts (other Ugly members) for the recipient's $Uglytag. It is important that you verify the member's name before sending it.

  4. Confirm the operation and that's it, your money transfer is on its way!

As simple as that!

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