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Multiple Stops
Written by Laura Allen
Updated over a week ago

What are multiple stop journeys?

Multiple stop journeys are where passengers can add up to 4 stops, including the final destination. Please ensure that you check the comments section for any specific details or further stops.

Can I accept other ASAP journeys while on a multiple stop journey?

No, you may not. You will be paid for the entire journey time

What if I have queries about the journey?

Please contact customer service. If possible, please do this while your passenger is at one of the stops and not in the vehicle

Procedure you should follow:

What should I do at the start of journey?

Please follow the standard arrival procedure. The only variation of note is that you should ask 'Do you have a preferred route to [first stop]?' rather than the end destination.

What should I do at each intermediate stop?

Please ask the passenger "may I have an estimate of when you would like to be collected?." If it is not possible to park at the location, please add "When you are ready, please call me and I will come and greet you." When your passenger returns please ask just one of the three questions: "Do you have a preferred route to [intermediate stop]?"

What should I do at the end of the journey?

Once the journey is complete and you are outside the vehicle, please open the door for the passenger. If appropriate, please say 'May I assist you with anything else?' and 'Thank you, have a good morning/afternoon/evening/day.'

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