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Insurance - Post Purchase Guide
Do I get a GST invoice for the insurance payment?
Is there a room rent capping?
Is there any No Claim bonus?
How does my team get their health card?
Does this policy cover treatments outside India?
Is there a limit on the number of claims during a year?
When can employees use health insurance?
Is there any age limit for insurance?
Can we cover Contractors under the Insurance plan?
Do you have a list of all the cashless hospitals that are present?
What is the timeline for the refund to come?
What if an employee leaves the organization after I’ve purchased Insurance?
Can I add new employees after the initial purchase of Insurance?
Can I take the policy for specific family members?
Can I take the policy for specific employees?
Can we opt to cover family members?
What are the different insurance plans available?
What are the prerequisites for an organization to use Insurance?