What is a CEU?
AAPC Continuing Education Units (CEUs) Grace Period
How to Access Free CEUs for Members
How do I see my previously submitted CEUs?
Can I earn CEUs for my specialty credential?
My company does in-services. Can the company offer CEUs for these?
How do I access an application for prior CEU approval online?
May I have an extension to submit my CEUs?
May I use education completed prior to obtaining my certification?
I am attending an event; how do I know if I can get CEUs for the event?
Do I need to submit my PowerPoint presentation with the application?
How will I know what CEUs will count towards my specialty?
What do you mean by rationales as curriculum?
What do I do if I have a complaint regarding an AAPC-approved vendor or their product?
I teach at a post-secondary school; will I earn CEUs for my teaching?
May I have CEU credit for the courses I take at a post-secondary school/university?
I have earned over the required number of CEUs. Do any carry over?
Do You Have to Be Certified to Get CEUs?