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Overdue Fines

Penalties for returning books late

Alison Francis avatar
Written by Alison Francis
Updated over 4 years ago

Like many libraries around Australia and the world, AC Library has made the decision to no longer charge overdue fines, which, for many people, can have significant financial impacts. We don’t want overdue fines to be a barrier to accessing our library services, so we’ve made the decision to remove library overdue fines. Of course, that doesn’t mean you can just keep your loans indefinitely – library users with overdue loans will be unable to borrow further items until their outstanding loans are returned.

Failure to return loans within 1 month of the due date will result in the item being marked as missing. Failure to return missing items within 3 months of the due date will result in the item being marked as lost and you will be charged to replace the item. Please note: unpaid library replacement costs on your AC student account may have academic consequences.

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