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Post-Bronchodilator Testing
Chelsea J avatar
Written by Chelsea J
Updated over 6 months ago

You MUST complete post-bronchodilator testing, even if it is not scheduled in the booking,
​on the day in the following situations:

If FVC is < LLN or

If FEV1 is < LLN or

If FEV1/FVC is < LLN

You must complete this and inform KINNECT via email, phone or live chat when this occurs. We do understand that on occasion time is simply NOT available, please document this and notify the results team.

Pre and Post Spirometry are only required if a pre/post Ventolin spirometry has been booked OR if the above situations occur.

High quality spirometry testing ensures that applicants do not need to return for repeat spirometry and minimises unnecessary extra testing or referrals to respiratory specialists.

Quality of Spirometry Curves = Acceptable / Valid

  • Vertical rise (no hesitation)

  • Sharp pointed peak (no rounded or flat peak)

  • Smooth decent to baseline (no inconsistent wobbles)

  • Plateau at end > 1 second where <25ml or at 15+ seconds

  • FIVC not greater than FVC more than 5 %

Once you have acceptable curves that ensure the reliability of the data, you then need to assess:

Repeatability / Reproducibility

  • Are your 2 best FVC within 150mls?

  • And are your 2 best FEV1 within 150mls? (they do not need to be in the same trials)

If they are not, then you need to continue with more trials or record a comment as to why these are the best available trials.

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