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PayPal Automatic Payments

Show upsells on PayPal orders

Pierre Gravelle avatar
Written by Pierre Gravelle
Updated over a year ago

Automatic Payments (also known as Reference Transactions) are a requirement for Post-Purchase upsells to display to PayPal orders.

When you first install AfterSell, a request for approval is sent to PayPal automatically for you!

To check if you have been approved for Reference Transactions, please either follow the steps in the video below or follow the step-by-step instructions below it.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Go to your Shopify Admin

  2. Click "Settings" on the bottom left of your Admin

  3. Click "Payments" in the left column

  4. Click "Manage" on the top right of your PayPal payment method

  5. Check the "Automatic Payments" line to see if you're marked as "Approved" or not.

What does my current status mean?

Approved: This means PayPal orders will be able to see Post-Purchase upsells. Congratulations!

Pending: This means PayPal has not had time to review your application yet. In this case, we recommend checking back in every day until it's changed!

Declined/Denied: This means PayPal has denied you access to Reference Transactions. In this case, we recommend reaching out to PayPal Support and asking them the following:

"Why has my PayPal account been denied access to Reference Transactions?"

Follow their recommendations to try and change their verdict.

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