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How to Create My Course?
Updated over 4 months ago

Crafting and developing your course should be an engaging process, offering both satisfaction and educational value. Upon completing the creation and submission stages, it's crucial to carefully review the feedback provided by the reviewers and make any necessary adjustments.

After you complete the course Information, you are ready to build your course content.

While the course length will vary based on its content volume, it's essential not only to adhere to Alison's specified minimum and maximum parameters but also to organise the content in a way that ensures a well-balanced structure, grouping relevant information together. Avoiding an imbalanced course, characterised by, for example, varying topic and page counts between modules, is essential for optimal course presentation.

We suggest initiating the course creation process by developing your content in documents or files, rather than directly composing it within the Alison Publishing Tool.

Alison courses are structured hierarchically into Chapters, Modules, Topics and Pages.

Step 1 - Module

When you create a new course in the Publishing Tool, it comes with a default module and topic. You can create a new module by duplicating it:

or by selecting the Create Module option in the Chapter section:

To add your own title and description to a module, select the Edit Module option:

The module title and description should provide a clear depiction of the module's content, offering a summary of the included topics. The module title text field allows up to 100 characters, including spaces, while the module description field permits 350 characters. An effective approach for crafting the module description is to succinctly summarise three topics derived from the learning outcomes.

Module titles and descriptions are prominently featured in the modules section of the main course page.

An Alison certificate course typically comprises an average of 5 modules, while a diploma course typically consists of around 10 modules. Each module should encompass approximately 5 topics, which includes 3 lesson topics in addition to the learning outcomes and lesson summary topics.

Step 2 - Topic

When you create a new course in the Publishing Tool, it comes with a default module and topic. You can create a new topic by duplicating it:

or by selecting the Create Topic option in the Module section:

To add your own title and description to a topic, select the Edit Topic option:

Step 3 - Content

The initial page of your course will be the lesson summary. This concise summary provides a quick overview of the course, showcasing its value to the user. It emphasises the course's relevance for personal or professional development and offers a glimpse into the engaging and useful subject matter. The short summary also serves as a sneak peek into specific content, topics, and concepts covered within the course. It is essential to avoid listing topics and instead create descriptive sentences.

The final page is the Bibliography or Reference list.

Other pages within your course are entirely at your discretion. You have the flexibility to add any course-related information you wish to convey. Consult the guidance on Assets for tips on structuring pages effectively.

Don't forget to incorporate course resources, such as training materials and further reading, to enhance the learning experience.

You can also explore our video tutoring for more information.

Step 4 - Assessment

There are now 6 question types to select:

  • True/False,

  • Multiple Choice,

  • Fill in the Blank,

  • Matching Pair,

  • Sequence,

  • Hotspot.

Find more about question type in article Guidelines for Assessments.

To create a question type, Select one and click the “Continue”.

You can make a particular question mandatory to answer. This can be applied to all question types.

For the assessment, you’ll need to prepare between 35 and 50 questions. Make sure the questions cover a range of topics and are designed to thoroughly evaluate the knowledge and skills required.

Step 5 - Submit Course for Review

Before submitting your course for review, please make sure:

• All course descriptions are complete

• Correct grammar and punctuation is used throughout the course

• All modules, topics and assessment questions are complete

• All meta titles, descriptions and keywords are complete

• The course content does not infringe copyright or intellectual property

• Page layout conforms to the style guides and recommendations demonstrated in Qualified Alison Publisher.

• The course has been previewed and its quality verified

After reviewing the course and ensuring you’re satisfied with it, you can Submit it for Review by clicking the button available on the Module Tree Manager page, as highlighted in the image below.

Your course will be now sent to us for review. If you search for the course in the home page of the publishing team you will now see that the status has changed to Sent for review as highlighted in the image below.

Once the course has been accepted by us to review your course status will be updated to In Review as shown in the sample below.

Note that the course cannot be edited when its status is set to In Review until we update the status back to In Progress.

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