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What is a Pinboard?

Explore how to visualise data from an asset on a Pinboard

Omar Cruz avatar
Written by Omar Cruz
Updated over a week ago

Pinboard is the dashboard area where you can visualise all the Asset's data in a friendly interface, so you can immediately get a glimpse what is your project showing (e.g. humidity and temperature current and historical data). 

To create your Pinboard, go to Devices and choose already created Device. If you don't have one, then this Article will help you to do so. After having DEVICES page opened, click on the + CREATE PINBOARD on the right hand side. 

After the pop-up window opens, make a selection from the list of assets you want to display.

A Pinboard with default controls of the pins appears:

You can edit the Pinboard elements in various types, by clicking on the pencil icon "Arrange pinboard" on the right corner.

This will open edit mode, which you will recognise by three new elements on the right corner - New pin | Save | Cancel. When in this mode, click on a settings button within the Pinboard element:

Now you have a selection menu to unpin, edit or resize the control. Choose Edit Control and change from Label to Circle Progress (you can do also other forms - feel free to try them out). 

Your Pinboard will now be changed. Let us also change another element, in this case the Temperature one. We will change again from Label, but this time to Chart. It is interesting that under chart type you can set type of chart (bar or line) and time scale (5 min live data, 60 min, 20 hours, etc.).

We will choose Line chart with 60 minutes time interval, to be better visualised. Also, if your chart is too small, go back to the settings and choose size 3x1 or whichever suits your needs.

Now you have changed your Pinboard and are good to click on the Save button on the upper right corner. Your pinboard may look like this now:

Of course, you can add more pins to your Pinboards to have data that you need, in various forms. Pinboard example below includes one Line graph, one Bar graph, two Circle progress elements, one Label elements, and two Data logs that shows stored measurements.

To allow full customization of what you want to visualize:

  • you can pin the same asset multiple times on the same Pinboard using different controls,

  • pin the same asset on multiple boards.

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