「Amazing DX」の利用に際して上記事務所より請求される費用は、源泉徴収の対象となりません。
「Amazing DX」を利用して商標を出願・登録して頂いた場合に発生する費用は、その運営を行う「弁理士法人 HARAKENZO WORLD PATENT & TRADEMARK」への報酬となります。
(If you are a resident / established in Japan)
The costs which incurred when you file and register a trademark with "Amazing DX" will be charged by HARAKENZO WORLD PATENT & TRADEMARK which is integrated intellectual property law firm that operates "Amazing DX".
The above firm is incorporated, so when you use "Amazing DX", the costs which are charged by the above firm will be NOT subject to tax withholding.
Please check here for more details. (about the above firm)