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Batch Purchase Memberships

Assign to multiple clients at once.

Samantha Postlethwaite avatar
Written by Samantha Postlethwaite
Updated over 3 weeks ago

- We're rolling out one of our biggest improvements to date -

👑 A complete revamp of our Membership feature! 👑

Expect a fusion of our membership & subscription models, an improved user experience, and enhanced reporting. If you have any questions, start a chat.

Batch purchasing memberships and/or subscriptions affiliates and charges each client the corresponding amount. If you do not want to charge an amount, enter $0 in the price of the membership/subscription before batch purchasing. One-time fees, service fees and eligible promotions (if applicable) are also invoiced to the client.

Once you Assign the batch purchase, you may choose to send an invoice by email to each selected client.

NOTE: Clients who already have the selected membership/subscription (with the same expiration date) will not be affiliated or invoiced again.

Find your Clients

Via the Memberships>Batch purchase subatb, you have 3 search options in order to filter the list of targeted clients:

By Membership (Includes Subscriptions)

  • Select a membership that already has members, in order to obtain its members list.

By activity

  • Choose the program and then an activity, in order to obtain the list of registered clients.

Persons without purchase

  • This allows you to generate a list of clients who have not purchased a membership, subscription and/or activity.

Select Membership(s)/Subscription(s) to Assign

  • Only active memberships and subscriptions will appear at this step. Select one or more to assign.

Select Persons (Clients)

The list of clients that appears are based on the filters you applied.

Select the persons on this page: Will select all the clients showing on the page.

Select all the persons: Will select the entire client list, including the pages you cannot see.

Select individual persons: Apply a check mark to clients you wish to select. You can only Assign to clients showing on the page, which means you will need to do each page a time for assignment.

Once the desired persons have been selected, click Assign.

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