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Prorated Pricing

Decrease the price of an activity based on how many occurrences, days, weeks or months have passed.

Samantha Postlethwaite avatar
Written by Samantha Postlethwaite
Updated over a week ago

The pro rata tool is available when configuring an activity's Session price. It can only be used for session-based activities when there is a start and end date set up in the schedule. 

To use prorated pricing for an activity, go to Activities > Edit:

  • Create a new activity or select an existing activity.

  • In the Session section, add a check mark next to Prorated pricing.

  • Specify by how much the price will decrease by $ or % per:

    • Day: Calendar day. Say a session costs 50$ and consists of 10 classes over a period of 5 days (2 classes a day). If 1 day has passed and you've prorated $10 a day, then clients will pay $40 for the remaining 8 classes over a period of 4 days.

    • Week

    • Month

    • Occurrence: Each individual 'class'. Say a session of 25 classes cost $200. If 10 classes (i.e., occurrences) have passed and you've prorated by $10/class (10 x $10 = $100), clients will pay $100 ($200 - $100 = $100) for the 15 classes left.

  • Minimum prorated price means the activity's price will never go below the minimum prorated price. Keep in mind that if discounts are allowed on the prorated price, it ignores the minimum prorated price, which means discounts tied to the activity can apply until the cost reaches $0.

  • Allow discounts on prorated price: When this option is activated, discounts tied to the activity will apply until the cost reaches $0.

    ❗ ❗ If you don't apply a check next to Allow discounts on prorated price, then any discounts linked to these activities won't work once the pro rata is on.

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