Refer another practice to Anima
If you have colleagues or peers at other practices that you feel would also benefit from using Anima, you can now refer them in just a couple of clicks. You’ll both receive a £100 Amazon voucher if they decide to have a chat with one of the Anima team. Just click the “Invite & Earn” button in the bottom left of your app.
Document Processing
Message Shortcuts In Tasks: You can now utilise message shortcuts when creating or adding tasks, making it even faster & easier to workflow a document. Simply set up your message shortcuts in Organisation settings and use “//” to trigger the shortcut list.
EMIS Problem Codes: Problem codes will now appear under the ‘Medical’ section in the Patient’s problem summary in EMIS and not under Health Admin.
Dating Problem Codes: You can now select different dates for new problem codes, rather than defaulting to the event date. Please note that each date will have a separate EHR entry with the problem code
CTV3 Mapping: We’ve added further mappings between SNOMED and CTV3 codes to prevent issues with different labels appearing on patient records. We’ll be adding further optimisation for this in the next release including enhanced CTV3 & SNOMED code search, stay tuned!
Annie’s Patient Matching: We’ve optimised Annie’s patient matching capabilities for certain letter types and formats.
Heights & Weights: Annie will now consistently code Heights & Weights alongside any numerical values found in documents
.xlsx File Support: Annie can now process .xlsx files
Admin Requests Outside Of Opening Hours: You can now opt to allow admin requests to be submitted outside of your default Anima opening hours, separate to medical requests. Simply tick “Allow admin requests outside opening hours” in your Access and request limits settings.
Deleted Requests: Deleted requests will now appear when you search for a patient in Patient management.