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How to Calculate Compliance Scores Using Workflow Data
How to Calculate Compliance Scores Using Workflow Data

A step-by-step guide to calculating compliance scores using the Live Feed Extract.

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Written by Support Desk
Updated over a year ago

This article will walk you through the steps to calculate compliance scores using your workflow export data, with a focus on filtering out incomplete workflows and applying the correct formula to calculate the compliance percentage.

You will first need to set up Pivot tables to calculate compliance scores. You can find steps to configure the pivot tables here.

Step 1: Filter for Completed Workflows

Before calculating compliance, you’ll need to filter out workflows that are incomplete so that only the completed workflows are counted in your analysis.

  1. Add a Filter for Workflow Status:

    • In your pivot table, drag the Workflow Status field into the Filters area.

    • In the drop-down filter that appears at the top of your pivot table, select Complete to only show completed workflows.

  2. Count Completed Workflows:

    • If you’ve set up your pivot table with Workflow ID or Work Name in the Values section, this will now display the count of completed workflows only, as the filter has removed any incomplete ones.

Step 2: Determine the Target Number

Your compliance is measured against a target number, which represents the expected or required number of completed workflows for a given time period. This target could vary based on your operational goals or team expectations.

Example: If your goal is to have 100 workflows completed per week, that would be your target number.

Step 3: Calculate the Compliance Score

Now, you can calculate the compliance score by comparing the number of completed workflows to the target. The formula is:

Compliance Score = (Total Completed Workflows / Target Number) * 100

  • If the total number of completed workflows is in cell B2, and

  • If the target number is in cell A2,

Use this formula in another cell:

= (B2 / A2) * 100%


= (B2 / A2) formatted as a Percentage

This will give you the compliance score as a percentage.

Step 4: Example Calculation

Let’s say:

  • You filtered your pivot table to show 85 completed workflows for the week (in cell B2),

  • Your target for the week is 100 workflows (in cell B3).

The compliance score formula would be:

= (85 / 100) * 100% = 85%

This means that your team achieved 85% compliance with the weekly target.

Step 5: Analyze Compliance by Different Variables

You can use this same method to calculate compliance by variables such as person, group, workflow type, etc.. For example, if you want to track compliance by individual workers, regions, or workflow types:

  • Track by Person: Drag Worker First Name (or Worker Username) to the Rows section in your pivot table to analyze compliance by person.

  • Track by Group: Drag Group into the Rows section to see how different regions perform.

  • Track by Workflow Type: Drag Workflow Template into the Rows section to analyze compliance by workflow type.

By applying these dimensions and the compliance calculation, you can get a detailed understanding of how different teams or processes are meeting their targets.

Best Practices for Compliance Tracking

  • Set Realistic Targets: Ensure that your compliance targets are both challenging and achievable based on your team’s workload and capabilities.

  • Track Compliance Over Time: Use the grouping feature in pivot tables to track compliance over time, such as weekly or monthly. This allows you to monitor long-term performance trends.

  • Monitor by Key Summary levels: Track compliance by individual employees, regions, or workflow types to identify which areas may need attention or improvement.

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