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Anvl for Web
Anvl’s web application gives real time insight into a live feed of information on the desktop and on the go in a mobile view.
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How do I use Recurring Assignments?How to schedule multiple and recurring assignments with Anvl.
How do I find reports on question responses?Use the Workflow Drilldown Report to uncover question response trends.
How do I find reports on user responses?Use the Workflow Drilldown Report to uncover user response trends.
How do I find a report on interventions?Quickly see leading indicators rolled up in one view.
How can I export/download workflow data?This guide will walk you through the steps to export your workflow data from the ANVL Manager Dashboard.
What is Strength Score?Strength Score highlights both "pencil-whipped" and high-quality workflows.
Live Feed Extract Field DictionaryThis article defines each of the fields available in the Live Feed workflow extract.
Using Workflow Export Data for Reporting and Analysis: Workflow UsageLearn how to use the Live Feed Extract to track workflow completion.
How to Calculate Compliance Scores Using Workflow DataA step-by-step guide to calculating compliance scores using the Live Feed Extract.
What are Anvl Actions?Open, Review, and Resolve issues in real time with Anvl.
What is the Workflow Drilldown Report?Reporting features that give you real-time, actionable insights into projects, processes, and assessments.
What is the Live Feed?Find up-to-date information about Workflows and users in Live Feed.
What is the Workflow Summary Report?Use the Workflow Summary Report to find workflow information faster.
What is a "Flag" in Anvl?Users can "flag" questions to raise concerns for you to review.
What is an "Intervention" in Anvl?Review situations needing action
What are Analytics?Anvl will visualize critical data for your team to review on the Analytics tab.
What is "Work" in Anvl for WebWhat is a "Work" and how does it function?
How to Use Assignments in AnvlHow to use the Assignments feature in Anvl.
Understanding the Icons in the Anvl Live FeedThis legend can help you quickly interpret the status of workflows based on their icons and color-coding in the Live Feed.
Anvl ActionsOpen, Review, and Resolve issues in real time with Anvl.
How do I reset my password on Anvl for Web?Stuck on the login screen? These tips will help you get up and running.
Anvl for Web doesn't recognize my username or passwordIf Anvl tells you "The username or password you entered is invalid" this article will help
My temporary password isn't working on AnvlNew to Anvl and having a hard time with the temporary password? These tips will help!
I get an error message when I login to Anvl for WebYou might need to update your browser, start a new tab, or use a different browser.
What does Invalid SAML response mean?Some Login errors are related to single sign on. One example of that is a SAML error.
How do I add a new user?Hired someone new? Let's get them set up with Anvl!
How do I resend a Welcome Email?Did your new user's password expire? Follow these steps to resend it.
How do I inactivate a user?Need to remove someone from Anvl? Follow the steps below
How do I reactivate a user?Need to reactivate someone after some time away from your location? These steps will help!
How do I change the language setting?
How do I select multiple users on Live Feed?Need to review the work of a group of users on Live Feed? These tips will help.
How do I make changes or updates to Work?Need to add users or change work details? Easily update Work on the Web
How to I review multiple workflow statuses on Live Feed?Need to review workflows in groups by status? These tips will help.
How do I review multiple workflow types on Live Feed?Need to review work across multiple types of workflows? These tips will help.
How do I export a workflow from Anvl?Need to print or download a completed workflow to share? These steps will help.
How do I search for workflows?Looking for a specific workflow? Follow these tips.
How do I send messages?Anvl Messages keeps supervisors and frontline workers connected.
How do I print or export a workflow?Share completed workflows as documents with customers or auditors
How do I share an Anvl Action?Easily share issues and documented concerns by sharing Anvl Actions in the dashboard
How do I add myself to Work on the manager dashboard?If you need to complete a workflow in the same Work folder as another employee, follow these steps.
How do I modify a user?Need to change someone's access to Anvl? We can help!
How do I edit which users I am supervising?Do you manage Workforce users? Here is how to make sure they show up in the correct Insights report.
How to add a user to multiple groups?Does some one on your team need access to multiple Anvl groups?
How do I move a user from an old group to a new group?Did someone in your department change locations?
How do I manage Anvl notifications?Make sure you don't miss any updates from your Anvl