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Apideck Unify
How to set up Change Data Capture (CDC) for employees?
How to set up Change Data Capture (CDC) for employees?
Updated over a week ago

We offer several methods to implement Change Data Capture (CDC) for employees.

We provide an endpoint for listing Employees, which can be utilized to retrieve a comprehensive list of all employees within the HRIS systems. This list of employees can be further used to request more detailed information about a single employee through the 'Get Employee' endpoint. By analyzing all the returned data, you can effectively track any changes.

In addition to this, we offer the option to subscribe to Webhook events. These events will promptly notify you whenever a change is detected for an individual employee. Our supported event types include 'Employee Created,' 'Employee Updated,' and 'Employee Terminated'.

For cases where HRIS integrations do not inherently support webhooks, we provide an innovative solution known as 'virtual webhooks.'

Virtual webhooks

These 'virtual webhooks' perform periodic polling of the HRIS integration to identify changes. Once a change for an employee is detected, a webhook event is broadcasted. The default polling interval is set to every 24 hours, but this frequency can be adjusted based on the pricing plan you choose.

To learn more about setting up 'virtual webhooks' and configuring webhook subscriptions, we refer to our comprehensive guide: How to subscribe to webhook events?

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