In the Live Search, you can choose a country, and do a search for a specific keyword within that locale. The result shows the real-time apps that are ranking for that keyword.
How does Live Search Work?
After selecting a country, typing a keyword, and pressing "Get Results", you will have a list of the top-ranked apps for that keyword. For each app, you see the real-time rank position.
You will get the 8 first results, including one ad, but you can check more search results by clicking on "Load more results" at the bottom of the table. You can also filter the keywords by hiding the ads.
Note: App ads are only available for iOS apps
Just click on the field name on the top of the column to rearrange the order of the table. The results are arranged by the field where you see the arrow.
The table contains the following information:
App: The name of the app. By pressing the app icon, you can see more details about that app
Rank: the current ranking position of the app for that keyword
Developer: The name of the apps' developer
Rating: The app's average star rating
Ratings: The number of ratings an app has
Preview: View more details about the app
Add: Add the competitor app to your Competitor list. (iOS only)
In addition to that, you discover which app ad is showing for that keyword, meaning, which ad is being shown for that keyword at that specific time.
How to Get to Share of Voice?
The Share of Voice feature is found in Analyze --> Live Search.
If you want to learn more about the competitors that are currently on top, you can click on “Details” and automatically access our App Detail View. This way, you can get insights from your biggest competitors.
If you scroll down, you will reach a similar table, but for the Share of Voice feature.
Share of Voice is the share of ad impressions an app has for a keyword. When you search for a keyword, the results will show you the Share of Voice, starting with apps that have the highest share of ad impressions.
You can rearrange the order of the results the same way you do it for the Live Search.