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ASO Dashboard

Quickly get valuable insights on your app performance, key metrics, and keyword rankings

Milica Siriski avatar
Written by Milica Siriski
Updated over a week ago

The Dashboard allows you to quickly get valuable insights into your app performance, key metrics, and keyword rankings. To make the most of this feature, be sure to connect your app to App Radar.

The Dashboard shows you the following metrics:

Top Performing Countries

See which countries are generating the most impressions, store views, installs, and sales. Identify the countries that are falling behind and need a push in app marketing and app store optimization.

  • Select Impressions, Store Views, Installs, or Sales in the tab switcher.

  • Select the date range dropper to view a larger or smaller time period.

  • Toggle a country on or off in the visual chart by clicking on the respective colors below the chart.

Overall App Performance

Check the conversion rate of your app. Use this section to determine if conversion rates differ across countries and to identify which storefronts need further optimization.

  • Select All Countries or look at a 1 country using the country dropdown.

  • Select a date range with the date dropdown.

App Uninstalls

Visualize how your app installs and uninstalls are developing over time.

  • See the main countries that are uninstalling your app

  • Hover over the chart to view the uninstall numbers for each country and per day

  • Select a date range with the date dropdown

  • Toggle a country on or off in the visual chart by clicking on the respective colours below the chart

For iOS, the opt-in rate tells you how many of your users agreed to share this type of information with Apple.

Crash Rate

See how often your app is crashing.

  • Hover over the chart to view the crash numbers in the selected period

  • Select a date range with the date dropdown

For Google Play, you can also see how often your app did "Not Respond". Just switch the chart view.

Keyword Performance

See how many #1 keyword rankings you have and how many keywords you have ranking in the top 10, 30, 50, or 100. Use this section to determine if you need to adapt your keyword strategy to get more #1 and top 10 rankings.

  • Use the country drop down to select a specific country or look at the summarized overview of all tracked countries

  • Select a date range from the dropdown (last 7, 30, or 90 days)

  • Include or exclude low search volume keywords

One bar represents one day. The full bar reflects the total number of keywords (excluding low search volume keywords, filter is on by default) you rank for, whereas it consists of the number of keywords you have ranking in the top 10, 30, 50, and 100 (each range marked with a different colour). This way, you can see how your keywords’ rankings have been changing during the selected period. Hovering over a bar shows information for that specific day.

The green arrow up shows you how many keywords you got in that top position in the selected date range. While the red arrow down shows you how many keywords you lost in that top-ranking position in the selected date range.

Note: We have improved our keywords’ database beginning of January 2022, you might see fewer keywords you are ranking on than in the previous periods. See more here: App Radar Keyword Database.

Keyword Rankings

Discover if your app is dropping or rising in rank for tracked keywords. Identify the biggest winners and losers.

  • Select Winners for biggest rises in rankings

  • Select Losers for biggest drops in rankings

  • Select Overall to see the highest Keyword Rankings

  • Use the country dropdown to select a specific country or all countries

  • Select a date range with the date dropdown

ASO Score

Get your ASO Score. The ASO Score evaluates your current ASO efforts and gives recommendations on how to further improve optimization.

  • Choose a different storefront/locale by using the locales dropdown

Category Rankings

Discover if your app is ranking in the Category Rankings. See if your app is moving up quickly in rankings for certain countries and categories or slowing down.

  • Select Winners for biggest rises in rankings

  • Select Losers for biggest drops in rankings

  • Select Overall to see the highest Category Rankings

  • Use the country dropdown to select a specific country or all countries

  • Select a date range with the date dropdown


Check if the Apple App Store or Google Play Store featured your app. Identify the Location (where the feature was in the app store), Featuring Type, Country, and Days (# of days your app was featured)

  • Use the country dropdown to select a specific country or all countries

  • Select a date range with the date dropdown

App Reviews

Read through your latest user reviews to evaluate user sentiment and satisfaction with your app. Collect feature requests directly from users that can help inform your development roadmap.

  • Filter reviews by star rating using the Select Rating dropdown

App Rating

Understand how your average app rating changes with every individual rating received. Identify app and ASO updates that help drive more positive ratings.

  • Use the country dropdown to select a specific country or all countries

  • Select a date range with the date dropdown

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