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Answers to common questions from Test users
Set Device Orientation during Tests.
Handling System Privacy iOS Alerts
[Migrated] Introduction to App Center Test Reports
[Migrated] Understanding Test Duration vs. Test Runtime
[Migrated] Test or Test Run timed out
[Migrated] An Introduction to Logs in App Center Test
[Migrated] Android Screenshots are Blank or Scrambled
[Migrated] App Center Test Environment Variables
[Migrated] How to toggle Test email notification settings
Xamarin.UITest and Signing Android Apps
Why does my Appium test show no test results?
[Xamarin.UITest] Repl() tree command fails to give output and becomes unresponsive on complicated views
Controlling DatePickers in Xamarin.Forms apps with Xamarin.UITest on iOS
[Xamarin.UITest] Using AppDataMode to control how your app is reset between individual test cases
Signing iOS Apps for Automated Testing
Xamarin.UITest is trying to run on both Android and iOS in App Center Test
Handling Concurrent Database Changes During Tests
Xamarin.UITest test-cloud.exe Upload Errors
Tapping or typing works for some iOS devices but fails for others.
Sleep time during testing for devices in App Center Test
Stalled Devices in Test Runs
Run UI Tests using AppCenter REST API.
Espresso App and Test Signing for App Center Test
Why can't my app connect to my server or web service?
Device Logs in App Center Test
Using Datafiles in App Center Xamarin.UITest