Adding Tasks

Assign yourself tasks and never forget your next step for an applicant.

Emma Sledge avatar
Written by Emma Sledge
Updated over a week ago

Looking for reminders to send important follow-up emails or give an applicant a call back? In Apploi, you can add tasks to create a to-do list for each of your applicants!

Adding a Task 

Tasks can be added for an applicant in the Actions menu of the Applicant Details page, or directly on the Applicants page. 

The Tasks column doesn't automatically appear on the Applicants page, so click + Add / Remove Columns and toggle Tasks on.

Once you find the applicant that you'd like to add the task for, click the + icon under the Tasks column.

On the Applicant Details page, click on the Actions menu and select Add/View Tasks.

A pop-up window will appear, showing you any incomplete or completed tasks. You have the ability to edit or delete a task by clicking the pencil or trashcan icons. To mark a task as complete, check the box to the left of your task. To add a new task, click on the yellow + Add button.

You'll be required to select a Due Date and the Type of task. While the Details section isn't required, make sure you give yourself enough information about the goal of the task.

Click Save and you'll be taken to the Task Manager to see all tasks and notes that have been created for the applicant.

Filtering by Tasks

To filter by any open, completed, or overdue tasks that you've created, head to the Applicants page. Find the Tasks column and click on the filter icon to the right. Filter options include both the status of the tasks and the type of task. After selecting your filter options, click Apply Filter to find all relevant tasks.

Click Remove Filter or X next to the column header when you're ready to view all applicants again.

To learn more about adding notes for an applicant, click here!

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