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Setting up your Booking policies

Hybrid - Configuring policies such as display, check ins, QR batches,

Camilo avatar
Written by Camilo
Updated over a week ago

Configuring booking settings

To configure your booking settings, navigate to the Settings section, then select General, and then Booking settings.

Booking Settings

  • Booking Reminder Delay: Adjust the booking reminder delay to determine how many minutes before a booking starts the system will send a reminder to the user. Set this value to 0 if you prefer not to send a reminder.

  • Prevent Multiple Bookings: Enable the "Block users from booking multiple inventory items from the same category at once" option to prevent users from booking more than one item within the same category simultaneously.

Booking Display

Customize how the floor map and booking options are displayed for different elements.

List Only: This will display only a list of your different elements.

Map Only: This will display only the floor map set.

List Displayed First/Map Second: This will display the list first, but will give you the option to switch to the map

Map Displayed First/List Second: This will display the map first, but will give you the option to switch to the list.

Booking Check-in Policies

Set up policies to manage check-ins for bookings, allowing users to check in a specified number of hours before the booking starts until its end. To create a policy, click the "Add policy" button.

  • Select Category: Choose the category to which you want to apply the policy.

  • Check-in Period: Determine the number of hours before the booking starts when check-in will be available.

  • Automatic Check-in: Opt for automatic check-in for bookings created within the check-in period.

  • Physical Check-in Only: Force users to check in physically by selecting the "Allow only physical check-in (smartphone/tablet)" option.

Abandoned Protection Policies

Create policies to manage bookings that are not checked in on time. Click the "Add a policy" button to set up abandonment policies.

  • Select Elements: Choose the elements to which you want to apply the policy.

  • Specify Period: Define the time period in hours after which a booking is considered abandoned.

  • Set Actions: Decide on the actions to take for abandoned bookings.

  • Confirm: Click confirm to save the policy.


Define amenities that can be associated with your elements. Amenities are features included in elements, such as a TV, printer, or whiteboard. To add an amenity, click the "Add amenity" button.

  • Name and Description: Provide a name and brief description for the amenity.

  • Choose Category: Select the category to which the amenity will be available.

  • Click confirm

QR Code Batches

Generate a batch of QR codes to use manual check-ins for users. Click the "Create identifiers" button and specify the amount of QR codes to generate.

  • Once the QR code batch has been generated, click the Download button to download the files to your computer.

  • Print the codes and add them near to each element (desk, room, office), make sure to add them to a visible place.

Our next article will take you to Installing your QR codes.

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