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How to configure bookable private offices
How to configure bookable private offices

Creating a private office to have it available for Hourly/half day/Daily booking

Camilo avatar
Written by Camilo
Updated over 9 months ago

In this article, we will guide you on configuring a private office to be booked by the hour, half-day, or full-day. This setting is intended for regular bookings and should not be confused with setting up the office as part of a plan or subscription.

Creating your Offices

  • Navigate to Settings/Inventory/Workspaces

  • Click on the "Add an Item" button.

  • In the "Type" dropdown list, select "Private office."

  • In the "Floor" dropdown list, select the floor to which you want to assign this office.

  • Click "Confirm."

  • In the next window, enter the basic information of your office.

  • Once ready, click "Save and Continue." You will be directed to the next step "Prices & access". You should see this screen:

  • Click the "add customization" button

  • Type the Group that you would like to make available to use this office (e.g. member, user) and click Confirm

  • You will be taken into the customization for the group selected screen, it will look like this:

  • Set your hourly, half day, and daily prices by clicking the "Add Set of Prices" button.

  • In this section, you can specify:

    • The availability of the office on different days

    • The hourly prices, you can use the dropdown list to select:

      • "Not Available" if you don't want this office to be booked hourly.

      • "Fixed Rate" for a specific price. If you want accounts to book this for free, you can set a $0.00 price

      • "Request for Quotation" if a quote is needed before booking.

    • The half day and daily prices, follow the same options mentioned above

  • Once you have set your options, click "Confirm"

  • You will be redirected back to the "Prices & access" settings:

  • If you want to set a specific set of hours for the group selected, Click "Add set of hours"

    • Note: If no set of hours is added in this step, the system will use the business hours set in the general settings.

  • Click "Finish" to save your settings.

Note: You have to create a customization for each group that you would like to have access to this office. For example, if you are planning to have this office available to members and users, 2 different customizations must be added even if they have the same price. If a group doesn't have a price set, they won't be able to see the office.

Archie tip: To set up your half day break, you can refer to this article.

  • To add another customization, locate the office that you just created, click the 3 dots, and click Edit

  • Click "Save & Continue" to move to the next step

  • Click the "add customization" button and repeat the process mentioned above

Archie tip: Confirm the groups set in your office by referring to the "Bookable by" column. Always take in mind that a price must be set for each group.

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