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Sites & Locations

Describing the hierarchy of your Arcules Organization, and using Sites and Locations to help organize your deployment.

Updated over a week ago


Your Arcules Organization can be managed in a number of ways, and using Sites and Locations is the system or keep track of your physical locations, and how they relate to each other.



Think of your Organization as your business's home within our system. It's a secure, private space where your data remains isolated and safe. Here, you assign users their roles and permissions, ensuring everyone has the right access they need to thrive. This is the top level of our hierarchy, to which all users, devices, and data belongs.


Sites are the next step down in our hierarchy. Whether it's a whole region or just a city block, a site is your way to logically group locations in a way that makes sense for your business.

This schema can be defined based on your specific business needs. Some examples of this are:

A school district separating out their schools by type:

  • Elementary Schools

  • Middle Schools

  • High Schools

A health care company separating their facilities based on association:

  • HospitalGroup - Sacramento, CA

  • HospitalGroup - Phoenix, AZ

Alternatively, you could group them based on facility types:

  • Hospitals

  • Labs

  • Assistance Homes

Note: Sites cannot be created, removed, or renamed within the Web Portal, and need to be adjusted by Arcules Support.

In our system, each site ties neatly to your subscription, encompassing all your physical locations like stores or offices.


Locations are the lowest level of the hierarchy of an organization. A location is a physical location with an address. Locations are listed under each Site on the Sites page. You will be able to see the number of devices online/offline for each location. One location can have one, or many gateways associated to it.

Example Layout

Here is an example of our Hierarchy using the example of a school district:

Organization: Arizona Unified School District

Sites and Locations:

  • Elementary Schools

    • Grade A K-8 Elementary

    • Another Fine K-6 Elementary

  • Middle Schools

    • First Middle School

    • Honors Preparatory Middle School

  • High Schools

    • North High School

    • South High School

Note: A customer cannot move a Location from one Site to another. This requires specialized assistance from the Arcules Support team.

Viewing Sites and Locations

Finding your sites and locations is a breeze. Just click on the 'Sites' icon on your dashboard, and voilà! You'll see a list and an interactive map of all your sites and locations, making it super easy to jump to any device you need.

Click on a Location in the list to view all devices associated with the location and edit the location settings.

Adding, Modifying and Removing Locations

​How to Add a New Location

To add a Location, click on ‘+ NEW LOCATION’ at the bottom of the Location list for the desired Site to bring up the form.

Add the Location Name, Address, Timezone, and select a datacenter.

Tip: For enhanced accuracy when including multiple locations sharing the same address, utilize the latitude and longitude fields.

How to Edit/Remove a Location

To edit/remove a Location, go to the 'SITES" page, click on the ‘LOCATION’, scroll down and click on 'Location and Time Zone' to access the location screen, The option to remove will be available as long as there are no devices associated to that location.

Note: The time zone setting can also be updated from this screen.

Adding, Removing, and Viewing Location Devices

From here, you can add, edit, and remove gateways and cameras. You can also view all the devices attached to your Location, including the status.

You have the option to filter by name when clicking on the magnifying glass icon at the top right. Click on the "X" to clear the filter.

Adding Devices to a Location

You can add devices to this location, just as you would from the Devices page.

You can add and configure a Gateway, as well as Cameras, and other devices here.

Have questions? We're here to help! 👋 Reach out to the Arcules team through the chat icon at the bottom right-hand corner of your screen.

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