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Location Status

Setup Location Statuses and Daily Charge Rates for Horses

Cameron Higgins avatar
Written by Cameron Higgins
Updated over 5 years ago

The Location Status screen in Options and Settings is very important, any changes made here may have a significant effect on ongoing business revenue. We recommend changes only be made in accordance with instructions from your business owner or senior manager.

A location status represents an activity that a horse may be engaged in, for example Spelling, Training, Pre Training, Breaking In and so on. Each location status has a daily charge rate set, and any horses on that location will be charged the daily rate every day, until they depart or change location.

Daily charges to horses for agistment and training often make up a bulk of the revenue for a business involved in thoroughbred horse racing. Changing daily charge rates via the Location Status screen therefore directly effects ongoing charges invoiced to horse owners, and business income.

To change a location status, simply double click it and enter a new description, daily rate and type, then click Update. Changes made will affect all horses currently on that location status.

To enter a new location status click New at top right. Once the location status is created, close then re-open Ardex and then allocate the status to horses using the Arrival and Agistment Changed procedures.

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