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Breeding Reports
Cameron Higgins avatar
Written by Cameron Higgins
Updated over 5 months ago

Ardex Premier offers a wide variety of useful and powerful breeding related reports. These reports are accessed in Ardex via Reporting > Reports > Breeding. It’s a good idea to run all the reports on screen once you have some breeding related data entered, and decide for yourself which ones will be most useful to your business.

We have listed below some of the most popular and widely used breeding reports in Ardex.

Services for Season

Lists services recorded for each stallion split by time of service, with scan results. Red is scan negative, blue is scan positive, black is not scanned yet. If you find all the results are red for a certain time slot (e.g. Late service) you may hold the Stallion back from servicing at this time.

Weekly Statistics

Gives a summary of breeding results per Stallion on a weekly basis for the current season including stats for Mares Served, Positive and Negative Scan Results and Success Rate for Conception per week.

Stallion Service Counts

This report displays a list of Mares to be Served by a Stallion for the season. Once a Mare has been served it moves to the Served column. If the pregnancy scan is positive it moves to the Positives column, otherwise it moves back to the To Serve column.

As the breeding season progresses Mares will move from the To Serve group to the Served group, then to the Scan Positive group. If a Mare scans negative after service too many times, you may decide to record the Mare Barren procedure, moving the Mare to the Barren column.

Fertility Report

The Fertility Report gives a detailed summary of breeding results for the season per Stallion. The report displays First Service Date, Last Service Date, Number of Covers and recent scan results for all Mares booked to a Stallion.

This report may serve as a good basis for deciding to transfer a Mare to a different stallion, or designate a Mare as barren for the season, depending on number of covers and period of breeding with the selected Stallion.

Mares on Farm with Mating Details

This report can be sorted by Horse Name, Paddock, Owner or Stallion and includes information for locating and identifying Mares easily including Current Location, Colour, Branding, Owner, Scan Status and other relevant details.

If you need to locate all the Mares on farm booked to a certain Stallion, or owned by a certain person, or all the Mares in a Paddock booked for Covering and not yet at Scan Positive status, this is the report to run.

If your business is involved with horse breeding, someone will be walking around your property holding this report.

LSD by Stallion or Mare

This report lists Mares (or Stallions) with last service date, paddock, scan results and other comments. The report is very useful for selecting Mares for covering, and monitoring breeding operations.

Projected Foaling

This report projects when Mares will Foal (give birth) based on service date and scan results, and is obviously very useful towards the end of a breeding season when foaling is taking place. The report gives an indication of Days of Gestation for this season and last for comparison.

Horses with Mating Details for Owner

This report is to let a person who owns a number of Mares booked for covering on your property know how the breeding season is progressing for their own horses.

The method of running the report is different, you need to go to Main > People & Firms > Select (Click) an Owner > Click the Horses button at the Right.

Then in the select horses window that opens choose the Matings report an click View.

The Mating Details report for the owner displays all Mares owned with Mating details, Last Service Date, Foal Due Date (if In Foal), DOB (if Foaled), Sex and Colour of the foal, Scan Results and other relevant breeding information.

This report can be saved and e-mailed to an owner regularly to keep them updated on breeding progress for horses owned.

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