While working on your Art Storefronts website you may come across numerous editors that looks almost like something you would see in Microsoft Office. We call these boxes WYSIWYG Editors and they are available on any page you create on your Art Storefronts website.
These boxes are used to add additional content to your Art Storefronts website and offers you the ability to alter the text contained therein so that it best matches the vision you have for your site. Because these boxes contain so many options it may, at first, appear to be somewhat overwhelming. To combat this, we have created numerous articles regarding how to use this editor.
This editor, and the following articles are available for every user on our platform. If you are an Artist, Gallery, or Print Studio you will have access to these editors and each article below will be of use to you.
If you find you are having technical difficulties with any of these articles, please feel free to e-mail cs@artstorefronts.com. One of our Technical Support Agents will reach out as soon as possible.