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How To: Offer Standard Products
How To: Offer Standard Products
Hazel Dulay avatar
Written by Hazel Dulay
Updated over 7 months ago

If you are an artist, extending your brand to encompass things beyond Originals and Prints may be a smart move. Because of this, we strongly encourage our users to look into offering Standard Products on their ASF site. These types of items can generate more traffic and more sales!

If you want to learn how to offer Standard Products in a Standard Store, please follow the directions below.

Please Note: You'll only be able to follow along with this article if you've already created a standard store. If you haven't created a standard store yet, please see our article How To: Create a Standard Store.

Warning: If you are an artist who is using Automated Fulfillment, you must understand that these Standard Products will not be fulfilled by your Fulfillment Vendor. You are solely responsible for the fulfillment of all Standard Products sold on your website.

  1. Log in to your Art Storefronts Site Manager. You'll want to open up your Warehouse - Originals, Limited Editions & Standard Products


  2. In the Standard Store, click on the Products tab.


  3. After making sure you’re on the Products tab, click on the +Add Product button.


  4. On the next page, there will be two fields. The first field is labeled Type of Product. Select Standard Product.

    Please Note: Standard Products are not subject to Transaction Fees.


  5. On the same page, you’ll see a box labeled Name. In this box, you’ll need to enter in a name for your Standard Product. Keep in mind your customer will see this name so it is prudent to make sure the name is simple and that it includes Standard Product.


  6. The Last field here is "How many Products do you want to create?" Here, you can specify how many different products you'd like to create. This is not to be confused with the quantity of one specific product, as this option is determined per product individually.


  7. Once you’ve completed both of those forms you will need to click on the button labeled Save.


  8. After you’ve clicked the Save button, you’ll be taken to another new page. This is the actual Standard Product. You should make sure, before anything else, that you are on the tab labeled Info. This tab will allow you to work on the basics of your Standard Product.


  9. After making sure you are on the tab labeled Info, you can scroll down and the first box you will see is labeled Name. In this box, you can change the name of your Standard Product at any point in time. Remember that your customer does see this name.


  10. Next, there’s a section labeled Quantity. This box is where you can set the number of Standard Products you have available for sale. As customers buy Standard Products this counter will automatically adjust the quantity left in stock. When there are no Standard Products left it will show as Sold on the website. For more information about this section, please review our article How To: Use Inventory Enforcement.

    Please Note: For Standard Products, this field will always default to 1000. Make sure the number listed is accurate.


  11. The Item Code section is up next. This is not a required field and it will not be seen on your website by customers. This can be used for things like SKU numbers or internal information that you simply do not want your customers to see.


  12. After that, there’s a box labeled Short Description where you can enter a brief description of the Standard Product. You can enter information like what type of medium and implements you used to create the original product.


  13. Then, we have a box labeled Long Description. This is where you’ll want to enter a longer description regarding your image. We suggest using phrases and explanations here that evoke an emotional response from our customers.


  14. Price is the next box you will see. Here you can enter the cost for the Standard Product. You need to make sure that the price you enter here does not include a dollar sign or other special characters.

    Tip: You can change this price at any point in time.

    Please Note: You can create Product Options for Standard Products if you need to offer them in different sizes or finishes. For more information on product options, please see How To: Create Product Options for Items in a Standard Store.


  15. Search Keywords is the next box. This is not in reference to your SEO keywords. This just sets keywords for the Search function on your site to find products with.

    Please Note: For more information on how to use Search Keywords to make sure you Standard Products show up in Product Galleries on your home page, please review our article [Master Article][For All Artists and Galleries] How To: Set Up you Home Page as a Gallery of Subject Matter Categories.


  16. Shipping Weight is the next box available. If you are charging for shipping based on weight, you will need to use this box. You will have to enter in a weight, but you need to make sure you are not using anything other than numbers in this box. You cannot us abbreviations like lbs or kg.

    Please Note: If you need more information about setting up Shipping, you can review our article How To: Set Up Shipping Prices by Weight.


  17. Include in Shipping Price Calculation is a slider that can be set to Yes or No. If set to Yes, it means that the weight or price of this product will be included in the shipping calculation at the time of checkout. If set to No, it will not be.

    Tip: You should only be using No if you are selling something that is digital, such as gift cards.


  18. After that is Include in Tax Calculation which can be set to Yes or No. If this is set to Yes, the price of the product will be included in tax calculations. If this is set to No, the price of the product will not be included in tax calculations.

    Tip: You should only be using No if you are selling something that is digital, such as gift cards.


  19. After you have entered all the information for the product you may go back to the top of the page and click on the Add Photos option to add the images for the Standard product. We recommend only using 3-5 images. Anything larger may slow your site down.

    Please Note: You may only upload images up to 20MB. Anything larger will not upload.


  20. Once you’ve filled out everything, click the button labeled Save.

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