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How To: Offer Multiple Sizes for a Product in a Standard Store
How To: Offer Multiple Sizes for a Product in a Standard Store
Hazel Dulay avatar
Written by Hazel Dulay
Updated over 7 months ago

When you are working in a Standard Store with things like Limited Editions or Art Walls, you may find that you want or need to sell these items in multiple different sizes, but you don’t want to create a new product for each size you are offering. Art Storefronts has implemented a feature that allows you to offer products, like the ones previously mentioned, in as many sizes as you like.

If you want to learn how to offer multiple sizes for Art products in a Standard Store, please follow the directions below.

Please Note: This article assumes that you already have a Standard Store in place on your website. If you do not have a Standard Store on your site, you will need to create one. For more information on creating a Standard Store, please see our article How To: Create a Standard Store.

Warning: If you are an Artist who is using Automated Fulfillment, you must understand that these Limited Editions WILL NOT be fulfilled byte he Fulfillment Vendor that you are connected to. You are solely responsible for the fulfillment of all Limited Editions sold on your website.

  1. Log in to your Art Storefronts Site Manager and find the Standard Store you want to work in. We will be working in the Standard Store named Test Standard Store.


  2. Once you’re in the Standard Store where you want to work, you’ll be taken to a new page. On that new page, you need to make sure you are on the tab labeled Products. This is the tab that is going to allow us to work on our Art Products and make sure we can offer multiple sizes.


  3. Once you are sure you’re on the tab labeled Products, find the item you want to work on and click on the button labeled Edit. This is going to allow us to work on the product on the back end of the website.


  4. Once you are in the actual product you want to work on, find the tab labeled Product Options and click on it.


  5. You’ll be shown a new screen that will either show your current list of Product Options or it will say Click Here to Create your First. Because we do not have any Product Options created for this store, we will be click on the link.


  6. You’ll be taken to a new page with two options on you. You need to be sure to click the option +Add Option Category. This is what is going to allow us to create the appropriate product option for your art.


  7. Next, there will be a page and the first option on it is labeled Name. Here you will need to enter the name of the Product Option. Sizes is a good name for this section. Also, remember than your customers will see this name.


  8. Then, there’s a box labeled Internal Name. This is the name you will see when choosing this Product Option. We recommend naming it something easy to decipher. This will make it easier to know which product you want to apply this product option to later.


  9. After that, there’s a field labeled Field Type. Here you must be extra careful, because there are only 2 types of fields that will work for sizing. You MUST use either a Drop-Down Menu or Radio Buttons. If you select anything else at all, this Product Option will not work properly with the Wall Preview Tool.


  10. The last field on the page is labeled For Use with Which Type of Product and here you need to make sure that you select the type of product this is going to be used with. We will be using this with a Limited Edition.


  11. After you’ve filled everything out appropriately, make sure you click the button labeled Create.


  12. From here you will need to go through and create your Product Options and fill out all the necessary fields. You MUST remember to use a width by height format and you CANNOT use any units of measurements. If you need more information on how to set up Product Options, please review our article How To: Create Product Options for Items in a Standard Store.


  13. Once you’ve completed the Product Option click on the name of your Art Product in the left-hand corner.


  14. This will take you back to your product and once there you need to be sure to put a check mark next to the Product Option you just created.


  15. After that, click the button labeled Save. DO NOT CLICK THE BACK BUTTON. If you click the back button you will lose the changes you just made.


  16. Once you’ve clicked Save, click on the tab labeled Info. This is going to take us back to the page that lists out the options for your product.


  17. Once you’re on the Info tab, scroll down until you see the section labeled Wall Preview Size Controls. The first option is labeled Quantity of Wall Preview Sizes and you need to make sure you select the option labeled Multiple Sizes.


  18. The next item is labeled Multiple Sizes from Product Option Category and in that drop-down menu, select the Product Option you just created.


  19. After that, click the Save DO NOT CLICK THE BACK BUTTON. If you click the back button, you will lose all the changes you just made.

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