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How to export a CSV to use with ShipStation
How to export a CSV to use with ShipStation
Jovana T avatar
Written by Jovana T
Updated over 12 months ago

If you’re using ShipStation we’ve created this article to walk you through the process of getting your orders from Art Storefronts in a file that you can use with their service. This can be used by anyone on the Art Storefronts platform.

      1. Log on to your Site Manager and on the Jump To Menu, select the item labeled Orders.

      2. Click on the button labeled Export Orders.

      3. In the Start Date field, select the date you want to begin your export with. Clicking in the field will open a calender widget below the field if you’d prefer to click on the day to select it.

      4. In the End Date section, select the date you want you end your export with.

      5. For Date To Use For This Export, select Order Created Date.

      6. For Order Status, select Order Received.

      7. For Shipping Status, select All.

      8. Under File Type, choose either CSV - for Shipstation, Order total only, NO LINE


        ITEMS or CSV - for ShipStation, Orders WITH LINE ITEMS, depending on your needs.

      9. Click on the button labeled Export.

      10. You will see a large dialogue window appear over top of the page to inform you that the export has been started. Click on the Ok button to close this.

      11. After that, check your e-mail and find the Order Export e-mail.

      12. Click on the link labeled Click Here To Download Your File and the file will be downloaded.

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