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How To: Enable/Disable Right Clicking
How To: Enable/Disable Right Clicking
Jovana T avatar
Written by Jovana T
Updated over 12 months ago

By default, Art Storefronts does not allow customers the ability to right-click on your website. We do this to decrease the possibility of your art being stolen from your Art Storefronts site. However, if you want people to be able to right click on your art and images, there is a way to turn it on. We’ll show you how to do this today.

  1. Make sure you are logged in to your Art Storefronts Site Manager.

    When you’re sure you’re in the right place, find the tab titled SITE SETTINGS and click on it.

  2. Then, make sure you’re on the tab labeled INFO. If you aren’t on the INFO tab you won’t be able to complete this process.

  3. Scroll down the page until you find the section titled Disable Right-Clicking. Here you’ll see a drop-down menu that says Yes or No. If you choose Yes, right clicking will be Off. No means it will be On.

  4. After you’ve made your selection, click the Save. PLEASE DO NOT CLICK BACK. The steps you just took won’t be saved and you will have to redo them.

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