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How To: Create a Coupon for the Lead Capture Tool
How To: Create a Coupon for the Lead Capture Tool
Hazel Dulay avatar
Written by Hazel Dulay
Updated over 7 months ago

Before you start working on your Lead Capture Tool, you're going to want to make sure that you have a coupon created. Coupons are used with the Lead Capture tool in order to entice potential customers to sign up for your newsletter and persuade them to buy from you. While you can make the coupon later, it is much easier to do it first and then complete the rest of the lead capture tool setup.

What do I do next?

Now that you have your coupon created, you'll want to start working on setting up the actual Lead Capture Tool. Setting up the Lead Capture Tool will entail making sure that you have the pop-up completed and ready to go on your site. To learn more, please review the article How To: Set Up the Lead Capture Tool.

Art storefronts provides all its customers with a default coupon when their site is created. This coupon is specifically meant for use with the Lead Capture tool. You MUST have a coupon available or your customers will end up going through the check out process, trying to use their code, and it won’t work. That’s a great way to turn a potential customer into someone who won’t ever buy from you again.

It is imperative that you make sure you have your coupon created. We even suggest that you do a test run using the coupon on your site to make sure a discount is applied. This is going to give your brand credibility and entice your customers to buy from you more often.

Table of Contents

Check your Coupon

  1. Log in to your Art Storefronts Control Panel. This is sometimes called the Site Manager or the back-end of the site. All three of these terms mean the exact same thing and they are sometimes used interchangeably.

    When you’re sure you’re logged in, look at the upper right-hand corner of the site and you are going to see something called the Jump To You’ll need to click on this and from the drop-down menu select the option titled Discount Coupons.


  2. A new page is going to load for you and you’ll see two different tabs on the page. One is titled ACTIVE and the other is titled INACTIVE. You need to make sure you’re on the tab titled ACTIVE. If you aren’t, you won’t be able to complete this process.


  3. If you look at the page, you’ll see there’s an active coupon called first20. This coupon gives your customers 20% off their first order. If you didn’t make ANY changes to the Lead Capture Tool information Art Storefronts gave you, this coupon will work perfectly for you and you don’t need to do anything. If you did change something and this coupon doesn’t work for you, you need to scroll down the page to the Edit your Coupon section for help.


Edit your Coupon

If you deviated from the best practices for the Lead Capture tool and made changes to the discount percentage or coupon name, you’ll need to review this section for help on how to edit the current coupon to fit your needs.

  1. You should already be in the coupon section of Art Storefronts (if you aren’t, open the Jump To menu and click on Discount Coupons). If you look at the page, you should see a coupon titled first20. You need to click on this.


  2. A new page is going to load and the first section you need to find it titled as Code. In this box, you need to change the code to fit whatever you put in your Lead Capture Tool and automation email.

    Warning: If you don’t change this code to match what you put in the Lead Capture tool, your coupon won’t work when a customer attempts to check out and use the discount code.


  3. In the Description section, change it to reflect what the coupon is. So, for instance if you’re only offering 15% off, you should change the description to say it is the Lead Capture Tool coupon offering 15% off.


  4. Scroll further down until you get to the section titled Amount. Here, you need to change the percentage of the discount to match the percentage you put in the Lead Capture Tool and the automation emails that are being sent to your customer.

    Warning: If you don’t change this here, your coupon discount will not match what is in the Lead Capture tool and it may be off putting to your customers.


  5. When you’ve made the appropriate changes, click the Save DO NOT CLICK THE BACK BUTTON. If you click back, you’ll lose the changes you just made.


Test your Coupon

  1. Click on the View Live Site This is going to take you to the front end of the site and will shows you basically what your customers will see.


  2. Add an item to your cart.


  3. Click Continue to Checkout.


  4. Click Fast Checkout. You don’t need to create an account because you’re just going to be checking the functionality of your coupon.


  5. Fill out the Billing information section.


  6. Find the section labeled DISCOUNT CODE and enter in the discount code you are using in your Lead Capture Tool.


  7. Click the APPLY button.


  8. If your coupon code is entered properly and is set up correctly on the back end of the site, you should see the discount applied to the SUBTOTAL of the order.



  1. My coupon isn’t working on the live site!

    1. First, check and make sure you entered the code in correctly. It is possible that it was misspelled when it was entered.

    2. If you typed it in properly, you need to check and make sure the code you are entering matches the code on the coupon itself. Click Edit Site. In the Jump To menu select Discount Coupons and compare what you typed in to what is listed for the Coupon.

What do I do next?

From here, you have a few different options as to where to go.

The first option is to really dig in to the marketing work you need to put in to stay on the path to success. Marketing is one of the most important ways to make sure you’re reaching an audience who is interested in your art and upping your chances of making a profit on your Art Storefronts site. Don’t skip this step. Don’t think you don’t need to market. In the digital age, finding your market fit and audience is everything. For some in depth marketing help as an artist you can go to the Facebook Small Wins group.

If you’ve already got a solid marketing plan, in place, you may want to start looking into how profits and transactions work on Art Storefronts. It’s going to vary based on who you are and how your business is run. For example, Artists who are using Automated Fulfillment have a different process than those doing Self-Fulfillment. If you want more information on this, check out our article Learn: Everything You Need to Know About Getting Paid on Art Storefronts.

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