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How To: Edit an Article in the Article Manager
How To: Edit an Article in the Article Manager
Jovana T avatar
Written by Jovana T
Updated over 12 months ago

After you’ve created your articles you may find that you would like to elaborate on a specific process or edit the wording to make it clearer. To do this, you’ll need to edit your article. Art Storefronts offers a simple and fast way of accomplishing this task.

To learn how to edit your pre-existing articles, please follow the directions below.

  1. Log in to your Art Storefronts Control Panel and click on the Article Manager that contains the article you want to Edit.

  2. Click on the tab labeled Articles & Categories.

  3. Find the article you want to edit and click on the button labeled Edit.

  4. On the next page, the first item you will see is labeled Category. This will contain a drop-down menu of all the categories you have in the article manager and you can select whichever category you’d like to put the article in. If it isn’t going into a category, don’t choose one in this drop-down.

  5. Title is the next field. This is where you can name your Article. This should be a descriptive but concise title.

  6. After that, there is a section labeled Headline Text. This text will appear on your page as the main headline of your body content. For SEO purposes, the code used for this is an h1.

  7. Headline text is followed by a box labeled Content 1. This is where you will enter in the meat of the article. You can enter in your guides here or answers to frequently asked questions. You will need to use the WYSIWYG Editor for this. IF you need more information on the editor, please review [Master Article] [For Everyone] How To: Use the WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) Editor.

  8. After that is the section labeled SEO Title. This will not show up on your live website, but will be included between the 'title' tags in the code of your web page. This feature is valuable for Search Engine Optimization and should include 3-5 keywords that people might search for to find this page. Be sure you are not duplicating your SEO titles on your site because this can lead to Google viewing pages as duplicate content and they may not get indexed properly.

  9. The next box is labeled Meta Keywords. Enter keywords here separated by a comma. This will not show up on your live website, but will be included in the code of your web page for Search Engine Optimization purposes. THESE KEYWORDS SHOULD NOT BE HYPHENATED.

  10. Next is Meta Description. Enter 1-2 sentences here describing this web page. These will not show up on your live website, but will be included in the code of your web page for Search Engine Optimization purposes. Be sure you are not duplicating your Meta Descriptions on your site because this can lead to Google viewing pages as duplicate content and they may not get indexed properly.

  11. Smart URL is the final box. This will appear in the address bar of the browser, like the 'my-page' part in

  12. Once you’ve entered information in each of these boxes and you are happy with your results, click the Save If you navigate away from this page and you do not save, all this information will be lost. DO NOT CLICK THE BACK BUTTON. If you click back, your information will not be saved.

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