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How To: Create Custom Style Finishes
How To: Create Custom Style Finishes
Samuel Gichuhi avatar
Written by Samuel Gichuhi
Updated over 7 months ago


Don't see the exact finishing options you offer? No problem, Art Storefronts provides you with the capability to create your own! This is available for Art Print Stores and Art Upload Stores.

Set your own pricing, customize the tooltip information (this is the pop-up information you see when you hover over it), and more.

Please Note: If you are connected to a Fulfillment Partner you will not be able to create or alter custom style finishes.

  1. Log in to your Art Storefronts Control Panel and click on the Art Print or Art Upload Store. For our example we’ll be using the store titled Upload Store.

  2. Click on the tab labeled Styles.

  3. Scroll down to the section labeled Custom Finishes and click on Add.

  4. Provide the Style Finish a Name.

  5. Click Next.

  6. On the next page you will see a section labeled Available. If this is set to On, the Style Finish will be available on your site. If set to Off, the Style Finish will not be available on your site.

  7. Name is where you can edit your previous name if you find you made an error or want to change the name.

  8. Next you have a section labeled Is Price Fixed Or Variable. You will need to choose one.

    1. Fixed: The price will not change with regards to the size of the print.

    2. Variable: The price will scale with the size of the print.

  9. Pricing is the next section and what you will see here will depend on whether or not the prices are fixed or variable. For our example we chose Variable.

    1. If you chose Fixed: You’ll want to enter a flat rate.

    2. If you chose Variable: You’ll want to choose whether to use linear pricing (by the linear foot) or smart pricing (by the square foot).

  10. THIS STEP ONLY APPLIES IF YOU CHOSE VARIABLE. If you chose variable and you have selected your pricing option, you’ll see the section labeled Type of Pricing.

    1. If you choose Fixed: You will be able to set your sizes and a fixed price per size. You will have to enter EVERY size you offer for this Print Options.

    2. If you choose Smart: You will be able to set your sizes and a price per square foot. You do not have to enter a price for every size you offer.

  11. Upload Image For Form is where you can upload a thumbnail of what the custom finish looks like. This can only be 78px (width) x 37px (height).

  12. Load Frames When Selected is next. When On and this custom finish is selected, the frames tab will also appear so that the visitor can choose a frame.

    Please Note: Even if you have our default "Framing" option turned off, this setting will override for this specific Custom Finish.

  13. Next, there is a section labeled Compatible Media Type. You will need to put a check-mark next to each media type that you would like to offer.

  14. Size Restrictions is the next section and should be used with EXTREME caution.

    1. Available Sizes: In this section you can list all of the sizes that you would like to offer. If you enter ANY SIZES into this section. Those are the only sizes that will be offered. In the case of an upload store, let's say you enter "8x10" in this field. This means that this media type will not appear UNLESS the person uploads an image that is EXACTLY an 8x10. Or, if you are using the cropping tool, they must crop to EXACTLY 8x10 size. Otherwise, this media type will not appear.

      If none of your media types appear because they are all restricted, you will see an error that says This product has no compatible media types because you have essentially restricted them all from showing. In the case of an art print store, let's say you enter "8x10" in this field. When someone selects this media type, and proceeds to select a size, they will only see 8x10 as option -- however with one major caveat. You must have 8x10 listed as an available size for that image in the first place.

      As always, if you choose to use this field, the format should be entered as width x height (i.e. 8x10).

    2. Minimum Size: This is where you can enter the smallest size you want to offer for this Print Option. When a visitor selects a medium, it will attempt to display all the possible sizes for the given product they are viewing. This setting will filter those sizes. Any size that is smaller (in terms of the individual width or height) than the size you enter here will be removed, and will not display on your website.

    3. Maximum Size: This is where you can enter the largest size you want to offer for this Print Option. When a visitor selects a medium, it will attempt to display all the possible sizes for the given product they are viewing. This setting will filter those sizes. Any size that is larger (in terms of the individual width or height) than the size you enter here will be removed, and will not display on your website.

  15. The next section is Special Settings For Image Overflow (New) Wrap. In this section you can set the width you want to use for a gallery wrap along with a tooltip for your customer. If you are not using the Overflowed (New) option, you do not need to fill this out.

    Please Note: Image Overflow (New) Wrap is only intended to give a preview of what the image would look like on canvas. This is not exact, and some images may look cropped on the product page while using this function.

  16. Next you can enter a description of what the Style Finish is in the Tooltip Content.

  17. When you are satisfied with your changes, click Update.


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