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[Self-Fulfilment] How To: Create a Medium in an Art Print Store
[Self-Fulfilment] How To: Create a Medium in an Art Print Store
Jovana T avatar
Written by Jovana T
Updated over 12 months ago

As a self-Fulfilling artist, you’re going to need to create each of your media types for use on your site. This process is relatively easy, but there are a few different sections that you’re going to need to pay attention to to make sure your media types are going to work properly.

Now, something to keep in mind is that you don’t want to offer too many different media types. Variety may be the spice of life, but people having too many options and being unable to choose is an incredibly real problem. To start, set up 3-5 media types that you want to offer (Canvas and Metal are ALWAYS popular) and go from there.

Table of Contents

Create Media

  1. Make sure you are logged in to your Art Storefronts Control Panel. This is sometimes called the back-end of the site or the Site Manager. All three mean the exact same thing.

    Once you’re sure you’re in the right area, find your Art Print Store. Mine is currently named Warehouse and yours should be too, however, if it isn’t, you can look for something named Art Print Store and click on it.

  2. A new page is going to load up and before you moved forward with this process, you need to look and find the tab labeled MEDIA and click on it. If you don’t click on that tab, you aren’t going to be able to follow this process or complete it.

  3. Within the MEDIA tab, you’re going to see that there are two other tabs. One is labeled BY MANUFACTURER and the other is titled CUSTOM. Select CUSTOM.

    Please Note: You need to make sure you’re using the CUSTOM option unless you fully intend to only use the Breathing Colour or Larson Juhl media types.

    Please understand that just because these are offered, does not mean that Art Storefronts will facilitate the ordering of these medias from the manufacturer. You will be responsible for ordering your own materials.

  4. On the CUSTOM tab, you’re going to see a few different options available. Find the one labeled +ADD MEDIUM and click on it. This button will start the process of media creation for you.

  5. The next page will load up and the first field you’ll see is called Our Name. Enter a name in this box that makes sense to you and your customer because they are going to see it.

  6. Below the Name box, you’ll see another box labeled Default Medium Type and it has a drop-down menu. In the menu, you’re given the options paper, canvas, metal, acrylic, glass, wool, peel and banner. Go ahead and choose the option that best fits your needs.

  7. After you’ve added a name and selected a Medium Type, click on the NEXT button so the media can be created.

  8. Now, the media page itself is going to load up and you’ll see a list of options and fields, but the first one is Availability. This can be set to On or Off. If you set it to On, the media will be available on your live site. If you set it to Off, it means the media will not be available on the live site. This is a good option if you have limited runs of a specific media type or you like to offer specific media types during specific times.

  9. Following is the section titled Our Name. This is the same name that a customer sees on your site. You previously set this, but if it’s wrong or you need to change it for any reason at any time, this is the place to do it.

  10. Item Code is a field your customers will not see. This specific field is only meant for personal use. It’s an area where you can discreetly enter items like SKU numbers, inventory numbers or almost anything else you need to tag the media with.

  11. Your Internal Identifier can be used for your use only. Customers will not see it. This is used when you have multiple medium types of the same name, but you need to know which type it is specifically. For instance, you might have 2 mediums named Fine Art Paper, but one is of a higher quality. To differentiate between them, you can use the Internal Identifier section.

  12. Medium Type is something you have already filled out. However, if you selected the wrong Medium Type for the item you created, you can always come here and from the drop-down menu, select the correct option.

  13. Next, you’re going to get into some of the grittier information for your media and it’s the section titled Pricing. The first option here is called Type of Pricing. This is a drop-down menu where you can select the type of pricing you want to use for the media. You can choose between:
    Smart Pricing- Smart Pricing calculates the cost of items based on the square unit. For instance, if you have an 8x10 with a cost of $5.25/sq. unit, the price of that 8x10 would be $20.
    Fixed Pricing- choosing the Fixed Pricing option will allow you to enter a specific size at a specific price. For instance, if you have an 8x10 and you want it to be twenty dollars exactly, you can simply enter $20 in.

    Art Storefronts Recommendation: Because you are a new member to Art Storefronts, we suggest using Fixed Pricing in the beginning. It’s easier to calculate and makes this process go by much faster. If you’re invested in using Smart Pricing, you can do so, just be careful and use the Smart Pricing calculator which we’ve attached to this article.

  14. To begin setting sizes for pricing, you’ll need to find the box titled Size. In this box, you’ll need to enter the size, in a width by height (8x10) format that you wish to set a price for. Remember to avoid using special characters in this box.

    Please Note: entering sizes in this section does not influence the sizes at which your images are offered. This section is just used to create a set of sizes to base pricing ranges on.

  15. After that, you’re going to see a box called Price. Here, you need to enter in the prove you want to charge for the size you just listed. You should make sure you don’t enter any special characters ($) in this box because it can break it.

    Please Note: When setting prices, you do not have to enter in every size offered on your site with a price. Art Storefronts will calculate prices for unlisted sizes. This is done by finding the two sizes closest to the size entered and will apply cost to the unlisted size.

    It’s also important to know that the more sizes and prices you enter, the better calculations you’ll get for any unlisted sizes on your Art Storefronts site.

  16. If you need to add more boxes for sizing and pricing, Art Storefronts has you covered. You can click the black button that has a + on it. Once you click that button, a set of boxes will be added for you. You can add as many sets of boxes as you need.

  17. When your sizes and prices have been entered completely and you’re happy with them, you’ll see a section titled Size Restrictions and the first field is labeled Available Sizes. You need to pay EXTRA close attention to this section and read EVERY Available Sizes should only be used if you are limited in the number of sizes you can offer on a specific media type. This will apply to EVERY image in the store for the specific media type.

    This field causes more problems than any other field on the entire ASF platform. This field is ONLY meant to be used when you are limited on the number of sizes you can offer for THIS SPECIFIC media type. For instance, if you can ONLY OFFER FOUR SIZES on Fine Art Paper (or any other media), you will enter those four sizes in this field. If this isn’t the case for you, DO NOT EVER USE THIS FIELD.

  18. The follow-up field is Min Size. Here, you can enter the smallest size you want to offer for the specific media type. This applies store-wide, so please be mindful of that when using this field.

    Warning: You should NOT EVER use this section in conjunction with the Available Sizes It WILL cause you problems.

  19. Max Size is up next. This is where you can enter the largest size you want to offer for the specified media. This applies on a storewide basis.

    Warning: You should NOT EVER use this section in conjunction with the Available Sizes It WILL cause you problems.

  20. Next, you have the field Upload Image for Form. This is where you can upload your own thumbnail for the media. Art Storefronts offers some default thumbnails, but if those don’t meet your needs, you can upload one here. The image can only be 78px by 37px.

  21. After that there’s a section called Available in Other Stores. This is a drop-down menu that can be set to True or False. Generally, this is set to False, but you can set it to True if you want these media types to be offered in other stores. If you choose to offer these media types in other stores, they will not be editable in any store EXCEPT the one they were created in.

  22. The second to last section on the page is Tooltip Content. Here, you can enter in a description of your media type for your customer to review. You can even add photos here, but don’t feel obligated because it isn’t a required field.

  23. The final section on the page is Shipping Weights. At this point in time, you should avoid entering anything in this field because we’re going to discuss the shipping method you should use later.

  24. When you’re sure you’ve filled everything out and you’re happy with how things are looking, go ahead and click on the Save. DO NOT click the back button because you will lose all the work you just completed.



  1. My page won’t save.

    1. You likely need to use an approved browser. If you’re using anything other than Firefox or Chrome, you should stop and use either Chrome or Firefox.

    2. If you’re using an approved browser, you may need to clear your cache. Check out how to clear the cache by using the article on How To: Clear your Cache.

What do I do next?

When you’re done creating each media type that you want to offer on your site, you’ll need to move on to Style Finishes. Style Finishes are things like matting, beveled edges and other finishing touches you want added to your prints. We’ll walk you through how to do that. Check out the article How To: Enable Style Finishes in an Art Print Store.

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