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[Automated Fulfillment] How To: Set Markups in an Art Print Store
[Automated Fulfillment] How To: Set Markups in an Art Print Store
Marko avatar
Written by Marko
Updated over 8 months ago

Now that you have your products uploaded and ready to go, it is time to go over pricing and make sure that everything is set up according to your preferences.

In this article, we will walk you through setting up and editing markups for both Fine Art Prints and Merch, fulfilled by their respective vendors.

Prints and Merch items fulfilled by our vendors are priced in a way where you are adding either a Markup percentage, or a fixed dollar amount onto the wholesale cost of any given size of print media and merch type. With this, you have the ability to roughly predict your profit margin from your sales.

Table of Contents

Set Mark-Ups

  1. Make sure you are logged in to your Site Manager, and select the Art Print Store. By default, Art Print Store is labeled Warehouse - Open Edition Prints.


  2. After clicking on the Art Print Store, look and find the tab labeled Pricing and select it.


  3. Once you're on the Pricing tab, you should see two options. Manage your Art Prints Markups and Manage your Merch Markups.


  4. Let's start with setting up markups for your Fine Art Prints. Clicking on Manage Your Art Prints Markups will open up the Edit Print Markups page.


    To learn how to set Merch Markups, scroll down to Merch Markups Section by clicking HERE>>

  5. You will now be on your Edit Markups page, ready to set the markups on your mediums.


Set Fine Art Prints Mark-Ups

Please note that by default, your site has 250% markups applied to every fine art medium and size available. Markups for Merch items fulfilled via Gooten are set to 100% by default.

  1. Let's start with a box labeled “What Markup Strategy Would You Like to Use?” and this is a drop-down menu with two options:

    • Simple: The simple markup strategy is the most straightforward strategy to use - all you will need to do is set markups on a media-by-media basis, and the same percentage will be used to markup Frames, Print Options and Style Finishers.


    • Advanced: these types of markups allow you to add a markup to the specified medium type and will enable you to add a different markup to Frames, Style Finishes, and Print Options.

      Please Note: You cannot set a specific markup for each frame separately. This markup type applies to every frame, print option, and/or style finish.


  2. When you’ve decided on your markup strategy, you can move on to Markups by Medium. It would help if you first chose under the How to Calculate Medium Markups. This is another drop-down menu. You may select between Percentages or Fixed Dollar Amounts. You will create your markups based on rates if you decide on percentages. If you choose a fixed amount, you will develop markups based on fixed dollar amounts.

    Recommendation: We strongly suggest using percentages for your markups.


  3. Now, you can move on to setting up your Fine Art Print Markups. Each field represents a medium. Under each of those mediums, you’ll see a box labeled Size.


  4. The next box you will see is labeled Markup %. In this box, enter the percentage you would like to use.

    Please Note: Please do not use special characters in this box. If you use special characters, such as the % character, you will cause the site to malfunction and your mark-ups to work improperly. You only need to enter the percentage number.

    Art Storefronts Recommendation: To ensure you will have a healthy profit margin from your sales, we strongly suggest using percentages for your markups set up, and not going below following values:

    • 250% for normal mediums

    • 70% for coasters

    • 40% for greeting cards

    If you are using the Advanced markup method:

    • 250% for normal mediums

    • 30% for greeting card medium

    • 200% for style finishes

    • 60% for print options

    • 45% for frames

  • After that, you’ll see a Black Plus Sign. If you click on this, it will add another box to enter another Size and Markup.

    Please Note: You do not need to enter a markup for every print size you wish to offer; you can enter a single size and markup, and this markup will be applied to all other sizes of this medium.


Pricing Matrix

  1. When you click on either Size or Markup boxes, you will notice that a table pops up off the side as you populate the Size and Markup % box. This table will show you basic costs brake down for the size selected, to give you the idea of the fulfillment costs and retail price shown on your site. Keep in mind that the matrix will not include shipping costs or any promos and discounts you are currently running.


  2. The column labeled Medium Cost tells you how much you will be charged for the medium production cost.


  3. The column labeled Style Cost tells you how much additional this style finish adds to the fulfillment cost of this print.


  4. The column labeled Total Cost tells you how much you will be charged for the total production cost (sum of medium and style cost).


  5. Columns labeled Medium Markup and Style Markup represent your profit.


  6. Column labeled Your Price represents the retail prices your customers will see on your site for a print on this medium at the currently selected size for each style.


  7. Once you’ve reviewed all this information, you will need to go in and complete markups for the rest of the media types listed on the page.

    Warning: You should not leave a medium without at least one placeholder markup, even if you do not intend to use it for your prints.

  8. When you have completed the markups for this specific Art Print Store, remember to SAVE your changes.


Set up Merch Markups

  1. Setting up Merch markups works in a similar way to Fine Art Markups, except Merch is set at 100% markup by default. To access the Merch Markups section, you need to select the MANAGE YOUR MERCH MARKUPS option in the Pricing Tab of your Art Print Store


  2. This will open up a page where you can edit Markups for every Merch Product available via the Automated Fulfillment.


  3. When you are satisfied with the changes made, remember to click on the SAVE button to save and apply your changes.



  1. I don’t see the markups tab.

    1. If you aren’t seeing the markup tab, you may not be connected to a Fulfillment Vendor. Try clicking on the tab labeled media to check if you see sliders or the option to create a new media. If you see the opportunity to CREATE a media, you are not connected to a vendor, and you’ll need to email

  2. My changes to the markups won’t save.

    1. You likely need to use an approved browser. If you’re using anything other than Firefox or Chrome, you should transfer to use either Chrome or Firefox.

    2. If you’re using an approved browser, you may need to clear your cache. Check out how to clear the cache by using the How To: Clear your Browser Cache article

What do I do next?

You’re done with the major tasks involved in setting up your Art Print Store. Congratulations! We recommend ordering samples of your products. This is an excellent way to quality-check your work, and having samples is perfect as you begin your marketing journey.

We've put together a detailed walkthrough that helps outline that process and provide further information. Check out our support article >> here; if you have any questions, please feel welcome to reach out!

Your next step is to move on to the remaining settings in setting up your Print Products. To learn more, check out the article How To: Set Up Mediums for Your Art Print Store Products

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