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How To: Replace Images After They Have Been Uploaded To An Art Print Store
How To: Replace Images After They Have Been Uploaded To An Art Print Store
Hazel Dulay avatar
Written by Hazel Dulay
Updated over 7 months ago

After uploading an image to an Art Print Store a user may find that they have a higher quality image available and that they would like to replace it. In the past, ASF required you to upload a completely new image and redo all of your previous work, but a feature has been implemented that now allows you to replace images and keep all of your existing work while updating the actual image file itself. This can be used by Artists, Galleries and Print Studios who have Art Print Stores. This will not work in Upload Stores or Standard Stores.

Please Note: Before beginning it is important to remember this will ONLY work in an Art Print Store. This function is not available in Standard Stores because you have the ability to upload and delete multiple images in all Standard Store products.

Also Note: This creates a new product which will have a different Product ID, and this new product will not inherit the total print purchases from the original product.

1. Log in to your Art Storefronts Site Manager and click on your Art Print Store. In our example, we'll be using the store titled Warehouse.


2. Click the button labeled Add Product.


3. Find the image you want to use to replace your current image and select it.


4. Click Open.


5. Right-clicking on the Edit button beneath the thumbnail of the old product with the image you wish to replace, and choose Open In A New Tab. This will open the product page for the old product in a new tab which you can access at the top of the page.


6. You can see the new tab at the top of the screen, just to the right of the currently open tab


7. Scroll down the store page to find the new image, and then click on its Edit link.


8. From this page, click on the tab containing the old product.


9. Find the section labelled Product ID and copy the number next to it.


10. Now click on the tab containing the replacement image.


11. Scroll to the bottom of the page until you see an item labeled Merge With Another Product and click on the button labeled Get Started.


12. In the box, paste the Product ID you copied from your OLD image. You will also be given the option to delete the image whose product number you just pasted in the box.


13. If you want to delete the old product which you are replacing, set the dropdown to Yes.


14. Click Merge.


15. You'll be shown a large "Are you sure?" dialogue box. This is because it's possible, if you're not paying attention, to get it backwards and replace the new image with the one you're supposed to be replacing, and to overwrite the product information linked to the original image.


16. Type CONFIRM, in all capital letters into the text box, then click on the CONFIRM button.


17. You will receive a confirmation banner in green near the top of the page that loads which indicates that your image has been replaced. And you will see that the information from the previous image has been transferred to the new image.


18. Click on the link to the parent Art Print Store, which in this example is Warehouse.


19. Scrolling down, you should see your new product being displayed with the old product's information and the replacement image uploaded to it.

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