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How to manage your Warm Opportunities from your Art Storefronts Contacts Manager
How to manage your Warm Opportunities from your Art Storefronts Contacts Manager
Jovana T avatar
Written by Jovana T
Updated over 12 months ago


Hello Art Storefronts family. This tutorial is a step by step instructional manual on how you can manage the warm opportunities in your Contacts center. Here, you can classify your contacts in terms of cold, warm, and hot leads and you can follow up with each or a set of contacts to make sure your audience is growing, and you can upsell any other items to them.

The Customer Relationship Management in Art Storefronts

  1. Let’s get started! Make sure you are logged in to your Art Storefronts Control Panel. This is sometimes called the back-end of the site or the Site Manager. All three of these mean the same thing.

  1. When you’re sure you’re logged in, find the Jump To Menu. It’s located in the upper right-hand corner of the screen and in that menu, select the option labeled Contacts.

  1. Here you’ll see the list of your contacts. For the purposes of this tutorial, we are going to use the email address, “” as an example.

  1. If you click on the pencil icon next to the Name or Email Address, you will find some extra fields here including:

  • First name

  • Last name

  • Email address

  • Phone - Business

  • Phone - Mobile

  • Opportunity Amount

  • Lead Status

  1. If you hover on the information icon next to the Name or Email Address, you will find some extra fields here including:

  • Add Note

  • Add Task

Adding and Tracking a New Warm Opportunity

Scenario: Let’s take a real life scenario and say that (the initial example) has portrayed an interest in buying your $1000 original piece.

  1. In this particular case, you’d want to fill in the Opportunity Amount and the Lead Status

  • For the Opportunity Amount, do not get bogged down by exact figures. The idea here is to put a rough estimate of the opportunity. So you don’t need to check medium costs sizes or framing. In this case we’ll just add the $1000 amount that they mentioned or hinted at

  • In the Lead Status, you can now assign the contact as a Lead, Cold, Warm or hot contact

  • Cold leads are visitors who have not been back to your website in a long time or those who did not spend much time when they were there (e.g. only viewed the home page).

Although Cold audiences may not yield as high an ROI as Warm and Hot audiences, it is important to re-engage Cold audiences from time to time to bring some of them back to your website and turn them into warm or hot audiences!

  • Warm leads are visitors who have recently visited your website or those who demonstrated meaningful engagement when they were there (e.g. viewed a product).

  • It is great to re-engage warm audiences as they have a good likelihood to turn into a hot audience or even convert into a sale!

  • Hot leads are visitors who have very recently visited your website or those who demonstrated extremely high engagement when they were there (e.g. added to cart).

  • Since this contact expressed interest themselves without engagement, we are going to classify them as Hot.

  1. After saving the information, you’ll see that the information is now visible on the contact list.

  1. The next question now is, when and how do we follow up with the customer. For that, you hover over the “i” or information icon and here you can add a note to have a record of what you did by clicking on the Add Note button.

  1. A new pop-up will appear with the note details where you can set:

  • Contact Type - This is the channel that you used to contact the customer. In this case we are going to choose “Email”

  • Marketing Action Name - This is the type of action that you took. In this case we will leave this blank

  • Note - Here you’ll enter the description of the note.

  1. After filling out the information, please click on Save.

  1. Now that you have noted the action, you can now set a reminder on the follow up. You can do this by clicking on the Add Task button.

  1. A new pop-up will appear with the note details where you can set:

  • Description - This is where you will enter the description of the task. In our case, it’ll be “follow up on original sale”

  • Assign To - You can assign this to yourself or any of your team members. Please find the tutorial on how to add team members here: How To: Invite Team Members To Work On Your Art Storefronts Site

  • Due Date - This is where you add the deadline or reminder date of your task

  1. After filling out the information, please click on Save.

  1. Now if I click on the contact, it’s going to open a new tab with all the information saved there:

Filtering the contacts by status

Now that we have added the lead status on a specific contact, when you go back to your contacts page, you can now filter the contacts status by:

  1. All - All contacts

  2. None - None classified contacts

  3. Lead

  4. Cold

  5. Warm

  6. Warm and Hot

  7. Opportunity

Additionally, you can sort the contacts list by:

  1. Due Date

  2. Opportunity Amount

  3. Creation Date

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