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How To: Review Your Site License
Hazel Dulay avatar
Written by Hazel Dulay
Updated over 8 months ago

In order to be able to maintain the ASF website active and accessible for the customers, it is very important for each artist to keep track of their license details and updates. In this article we will show you how to easily access the information for your ASF website license plan type, cost per year or per month, license status, and next charge date.

  1. Log in to your Art Storefronts Site Manager and in the Jump To Menu select the item labeled Billing.


  2. You’ll be taken to a new page and you’ll want to make sure you are on the tab labeled Licenses.


  3. If you scroll down the page, you’ll see a section labeled Manage License.


  4. From there you will see the title of your Plan Type.


  5. Below the Plan type title you should see a list of information. In this section, you can see the cost of your site Per Year and Per Month. You should also be able to see Discounts (if there are any applied to your account).


  6. You can also see when is your next Charge Date.


  7. Finally, you’ll see your License Status. You’ll want to make sure this is active if you want to continue using your site.


NOTE: The pink NOTES Tab in the screenshots provided, is only accessible to the Administrators of ASF for client service purposes.

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