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[Master Article] [Automated Fulfillment] Everything You Need To Know About Taxes
[Master Article] [Automated Fulfillment] Everything You Need To Know About Taxes
Hazel Dulay avatar
Written by Hazel Dulay
Updated over 8 months ago

At this point you are getting closer and closer to being launched. One of the next crucial steps is making sure that you have your taxes set up correctly regarding any taxes laws in your city, state, or country. There are 2 different Sales Taxes you need to worry about.

First of the two is the Sales Tax you need to collect as a seller who made a profit. As a business owner, it will be your responsibility to collect and remit taxes to the relevant tax authority. Sales Taxes can be collected on your website by setting up a Tax Method, and the article linked below will walk you through the process in a step-by-step format.

Art Storefronts staff is not legally empowered or qualified to advise you on Tax Rates and Locations . This is something you'd need to consult with a professional in the field, such as a CPA or a relevant Tax Authority.

Second of the two is only relevant to Artists on Automated Fulfillment and it is the Sales Taxes that Art Storefronts is obligated to charge for every Fulfillment Order. As a result of the changing eCommerce sales tax environment coming out of the landmark ruling in the South Dakota v. Wayfair Inc. case, as of February 1st 2021, Art Storefronts will start collecting and remitting sales tax to customers who do not submit resale certificates. Detailed instructions on how to Upload Resale Certificates can be found below.

Articles listed below will walk you through the setup of two different forms of Sales Taxes you need to be aware of.

This article will walk you through setting up Sales Taxes you will be collecting on sales you make from your website.

This article will walk you through correctly filling and submitting Tax Exempt forms

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